Getting in to a top college.
I'm a high school soon to be junior and I see this questions asked around alot. But I wanted to ask with my personal inputs. I want to get in to a good college and I've been looking at Princeton. So I was wondering how to get to that goal. I have decent grades, a 3.93Unweighted GPA and I have a little amount ap classes in my bag, about like 10 and I'm planning to take more this year. I'm also not doing bad on service hours, almost have about 500hours by the end of july. As for hobbies, I play 5 sports decently, 6 instruments pretty well for all of them, and I'm a music composer. I know how to write and program and design.
But grades and service hours are things that I heard that everyone does. Is there some other things I should look for to get attention of colleges? Maybe some secrets? #college #music #programming #design #volunteering
5 answers
Baker’s Answer
Congratulations on your accomplishments thus far! I suggest taking SAT/ACT practice exams as soon as you can so that you can develop a baseline score to compare to your desired university acceptance level (e.g. if Princeton's average ACT score is 33, and your score is 33, then you can plan your prepereation accordingly). You'll also need to begin planning for any interviews or written statements regarding your admission. Find out what is required from Princeton and then research what has lead to acceptance in the past. Regards
Daniel’s Answer
Place well on entrance exams is about the only missing piece there.
Also, don't be too upset if you don't get into a 'top college' for undergrad. Also, before signing up for large amounts of debt, be very careful.
Simon’s Answer
College is used to get you a good job. As an engineering manager I have hired many engineers. The engineers from "top" schools didn't do better than candidates from "good" schools. Schools that have a lot of applicants primarily use grade and test scoring. school programs that are not in high demand, require lower scores. I would concentrate on getting into s good school and performing well and participating in internships. As one of the responses mentioned (Mr. Moy I think), watch the debt. Paying back $50-100,000 is the same as a house payment and will set you back 10 years. Good luck.
Christopher’s Answer
First, I commend your accomplishments thus far!! The amount of service hours and activities you are involved with along with your current GPA have set you up nicely to have a lot of options for college. I agree with some of the above, the only thing missing are your placement test scores (ACT/SAT). Good luck in your endeavors and on your placement exams!
Niderra’s Answer
I would suggest looking/reviewing requirements for schools you have an interest, just to ensure you have completed or at least on the right path for list of accomplishments. Later work with your school counselor for additional insight.