what basics i should learn to become a good programmer?
for future learning #computer-software #information-technology
5 answers
Josh’s Answer
Programming requires you to be able to take a high-level goal and imagine a set of simpler sub-goals that need to be accomplished to achieve that goal. You can in turn break each of those sub-goals into smaller pieces and keep doing this until it is easy to see how to write code to accomplish each small task. This is the essence of creating and algorithm and writing code. You can practice this to develop your skills even before you can program by thinking about how to solve ANY problem, even those unrelated to programming. For example, how do you make breakfast? What are the steps? Are there questions that need to be answered in your set of steps? What if there is no milk for your cereal? You can create a very complex set of steps for preparing your breakfast. Pick some goals that are interesting to you and try writing down the steps in more and more detail. Getting good at this will be very valuable for a future as a programmer.

Alexandre Luís Rigotti
Alexandre Luís’s Answer
it is correct, study algorithms, data structures after, then solve problems who are available in championships as GoogleJam, HackerCup.
but what about the language? Well, I like C / C ++, so this is what I suggest to you. And so others will advise you on what they like.
But if you work with programs that require performance, it is absolutely correct to enter in C / C ++.
Develop a game in C / C ++ with OpenGL. This will ensure experience and, and possibly secure a job after.
if you want lessons, please contact us.
alexandreluisrigotti at gmail
Sanket’s Answer
Basic high school math should be enough for you to start learning your first computer programming language. The key to becoming good programmer is knowing your first programming language very well by practicing it by writing programs. You should ideally read a good book for that language. Once you learn your first language (c++, java) well, learning any other programming language is relatively easy.
•Regil’s Answer
Hi there,
to be a good programmer you would be expected to know at least 3-4 computer languages . Because the more you know it will help you to be more versatile.
Me being a computer science engineer i did start with learning C and C++ , because that is the base of all the programming languages and you should be certain of knowing the basics very well, because to build your career as a programmer it is necessary to have the foundation made strong and C and C++ are the basic to all . once you get to know that properly then the other connected languages such Java and C#(sharp). And also having good analytic and algorithms skills would also help you the way up.
But nowdays there are other languages that come up like android, python and ruby.
all these languages will help you in according to the firm and the project you work for , but if you think in a much broader viewpoint i would say that C , C++ and Java would do the trick for you and be sharp always buddy coz if you have the skills to learn then the sky will be the limit for a good programmer , so if you have all the traits to be a good programmer you could see yourself as a program lead soon .
I wish yourself all the best !!!!!!! :):):):)
Lionel’s Answer
Hi Rishi,
Assuming you mean non-computer courses, I would say math, logic and how to communicate well both written and verbally.