What does the major of computer science entail?
I was curious about this popular major. #computer-science #college-major
3 answers
Nancy’s Answer
Computer science involves writing code (programming computers in special languages), mathematics, physics, computer hardware design, computer systems, networked data and many other things, such as theory of computing.
To to see if you enjoy it take an online programming course or an AP course in high school relating to computer science.
Marcus’s Answer
My recommendation would be to get in contact with a few different schools and see if they will give you a major map to see some of the classes you will be taking. My experience at ASU could be totally different than someone who went to UofA, and those are schools in the same state! It is a super fun and challenging major, but understanding what classes the major requires will give you a big headstart on what to look at before you even go on campus.
parikshith’s Answer
all subjects related to computers.