What are the essential skills you need to possess when on the search for a job/career. How would I develop and practice these skills as a high school student?
Many have started their job/career lives during high school, whether it be a summer job or necessary part-time work during the school year. Many high school students have also gone out to look for a job, but have come back without a single "You're hired!". I would like to know if there are certain skills that would help you knock out that interview or keep an employer interested in you. Of course certain skills aren't easily obtained and will unfold through practice and use. How would I be able to gain these skills as a high school student? #high-school #hiring #student-counseling #interviewing-skills #student-development #communication-skills
6 answers
Jennifer’s Answer
Confidence in talking with others about topics you understand and those you don't fully understand. Admit it when you don't know all the facts. Get curious about a different point of view than your own and consider that you could be wrong! Consider how their background influence their position and what they might know that you don't. You could practice this in class and with friends.
A genuine interest in others and what is important to them. This goes a long way to building relationships with team mates and clients.
Respect and professionalism. Care about how others perceive you - earn their respect. Show others that you respect them - their time, ideas, and work/interests.

Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hi Karen,
This is a very interesting question...
Examples of ways to develop employability skills:
- WRITING skills
Writing up a project or dissertation
Writing for the student newspaper
Writing a report for a course placement
Essays, dissertations, project reports
Secretary of student society
Publicity materials for a charity
Letter to raise sponsorship for an event
- SPEAKING skills
Joining a campus drama group.
Public speaking or debating
Working as a receptionist in a vacation job
Market research, telesales, bar work
Showing 6th formers round campus
Course presentations
Student radio presenter
Year abroad or independent travel abroad
Working part-time while studying
Changing courses
Combining study with family
Shift work or working at short notice
Working on a group project
Rag fund-raising
Team sports
Working as a clerical assistant in a busy office
Group project
Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Team sports
Playing in an orchestra or band
Leading a group project
Chairing a student society
Captaining a sports team
Being a playscheme helper
Guide leader
Air training corps
Course or hall representative
Mentor in school
Negotiating the rent with your landlord
Negotiating the late handing in of essays
Staff-student liaison committee
Resolving an argument between friends
Deciding which modules to take next year
College Welfare Representative
Buying an expensive item (car or computer)
Targeting appropriate customers in a sales job
In the following link you can find much more examples of skills and how to develop them:
I hope can help you. Best!
Kristen’s Answer
Lorraine’s Answer
Role play with friends. If any of your friend's parents or older siblings are in a hiring position, maybe they can do mock interviews.
Tryouts for sports or plays help also.
Muhammad’s Answer
For temporary roles, look for the 'must have / requirements' section in the job add and see if you can fulfill those. if you are seeing those requirements too often, you can learn those online easily.
Same applies for permanent career selection, do a little research about profession you are going to choose, and search for online jobs in that profession for a little bit senior role (the role you want to be be after 2 years), looks for the requirements of the job. Do this for few of the roles, this is your list. now you can pick the easiest one, use youtube / google and other resources to start learning those. This will give you added advantage over hundreds of applicants applying for the entry level role you are applying for.
Lourdes’s Answer
Try different styles according to the type of companies where you would like to work as per the career that you are going to study.