Will it be hard to dorm in college?
I was wondering if by some miracle I can dorm at the college I want to go to, will it be terrifying to go through the new adjustment of going home to a dorm on campus? I want to mentally prepare myself if that actually happens to me. I would like to know if the new change would be very different and if it takes long to get used to it. #college #advice #college-advice
3 answers
Christian’s Answer
This is a question that will largely depend on you, your situation and how you handle it. No two people's dorm experiences are the same. The adjustment can be instant or it can take a while. No matter how long it takes just keep your head up you'll do great. Ken provided some good links. I can provide my point of view as someone who dreaded living in the dorms as well.
I lived close enough to school that I could live at home if I wanted to. My parents heavily influenced me to live in the dorms and I will say that my dorm experience was very good. I was very glad they got me to live there. I am an only child and never had to share a space before so it was an interesting and sometimes difficult adjustment but I learned a lot. I had a great time and met a few friends that I am still close with because of living in the dorms. I was in the engineering dorms, so I had to put in a lot of effort to get to know people, but it helped me learn how to make friends and connect with people.
My advice is to take a deep breath, go in with a smile and an open mind and you'll do great. Meet everyone you can even if you have to make the first contact, and remember that everyone you meet is likely going through the same thing you are, so you aren't alone. Also find a place that calms and re-energizes you because you may need some time away.
Simeon’s Answer
Ken’s Answer
Hi Gloria!
You asked a very important and interesting question. As dorm life is viewed differently by individuals, I have presented sites that contain actual interviews of college students, so that you can see what they have to say as they share their views on dorm life.
Please let me know if and how this helps. I would like to follow your progress. Keep me informed.