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How does someone create a software?

When I think of software, I think of it to be very complicated and out of my league. I wanted to know of someone's knowledge with this kind of thing. I wanted to know how someone could possibly create a functioning software. #software #software-engineering #software-development #software-design #software-documentation

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Ollie’s Answer

You're correct that software can be complex. So you should start with some simple examples. Take a look at for some examples to get you started.

Lots of things are complex -- building a house, painting a picture, even writing a paragraph. They all take practice. So, practice!

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Hanish’s Answer

Software is usually built using something called as SDLC or software development lifecycles. There are many popular sdlc methods, most popular ones are agile and waterfall.

Agile: this method is based on collaborative decision making between requirements and solutions teams, and a cyclical, iterative progression of producing working software.

Waterfall: Waterfall approach was first SDLC Model to be used widely in Software Engineering to ensure success of the project. In this approach, the whole process of software development is divided into separate phases. In this Waterfall model, typically, the outcome of one phase acts as the input for the next phase sequentially.

You can look up and read about other popular methods!
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David’s Answer

In practice software can be complicated or fairly mundane depending on what type of job you have. Some software developers are great at building complicated systems other are really good at looking at others work and finding bugs. Some are really good at taking other people work and making modifications to suit the requirements of a current project. Others are really good a taking big pieces and putting them together.

Others may not have good skills but are really innovative in how they think and provide valuable insight to others doing the heavy lifting All take different skill sets and temperments. Bottom line if you are good with logic and can get through your math you have a fit in one of the areas.

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Charles M’s Answer


All software is, is basically instructions to tell the computer what to do. To create a software application, you need to have a problem that can be solved with symbols. Software starts with simple pieces (or functions) that are assembled into great structures, like lego blocks are built into sculptures.

Here's a simple program that inputs the number, tests the number to see if it is less than zero and if it is, it changes the font color to be red. Then it prints the number on the screen. The words in all capitals are the key word instructions to the computer. the less than sign <, and the equals sign = are also key words
The computer follows the instructions line by line.

IF num < 0,
THEN fontcolor = "red"

INPUT is a function that allows you to type a number on the keyboard and press return. Then the value of the number you typed in is stored in a variable called num.
A variable is a memory location (or a little storage box) with a label.
num and fontcolor are the labels of the two variables used in the function.

In the INPUT function. When the computer reads the word num, it finds the memory location that has the num label and puts the new value in it,
In the IF statement, the computer copies the value in the location labeled num and uses it to compare against the value of zero.
If the comparison is true, the instructions after the keyword THEN are performed. In this case, the word "red" is stored in the variable labeled fontcolor.
If the comparison is not true, the computer skips to after the key word ENDIF.
The PRINT statement, displays the value of num on the screen using the font color specified in the variable fontcolor.

This is a very short, and hopefully simple, introduction to software. You can learn more by researching what you can do with a Raspberry Pi computer.

Under the Help menu, locate the Documentation... section. In that section, there is a Usage button (it has a rocket on it). Click the Usage button.
There are three languages that are described.

Python This is a full blown language that is easy to learn, but powerful enough for professional programmers to use.

Scratch This is a language that is graphical. You piece different blocks together and change the values in the block to make a program. This language is usually taught to children because it is easy.

Sonic Pi This is a language that will teach you how to program, but the output is music. If you know a even little bit about playing music or singing, start with this language, but remember, it is a programming language, not music software. It looks like computer software, but sounds like music.

All of these languages are available for free on computers other than a Raspberry Pi. Besides, Raspberry Pi, I think Sonic Pi is only available on a Macintosh.

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Ripon’s Answer

Hi Gloria,

Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. I understand yes the name of it sounds complex and confusing. But the more you will get in depth of the subject the more interesting you will find it .However here is a simple program that you can use to create a clock using the notepad.
All you need to do is just copy the following code and paste this in a notepad document. Then save it as batch file I mean saving with .bat extension. Follow the steps below:

1.Go to the Desktop. (You can do it anywhere. But desktop will be more convenient.)
2.Click right mouse button and select Text Document to open Notepad. (Or Press Start + R > type Notepad > hit Enter)
3.Now copy the following code and paste it in the newly created text document.
4.Save the file as Clock.bat (Save it on Desktop or anywhere you like).
5 Now you will see a batch file named Clock.bat
6 Double click on it to see the result!

@echo off
Title DOS Based Date and Clock
color b
: Clock
echo Current Date: %date%
echo .............
echo .............
echo Current Time: %time%
goto Clock

You can also customize the code as below-
You can change the Title of the code. Look at the title- Dos Based Date and Clock. You can use any name instead of the blue part.
You can also change the color. Here I've used b for Aqua. You can use- 0 for black, 1 for blue, 2 for green, thus you can test 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, c, d, e, f. Each one will give you a different color!
