If you go to college to learn about Pharmacy as a major is that the hardest major to get in?
The reason i'm asking this question because i want to be a pharmacist when i grow up. I want to know if this major going to be hard to get in this major. #college-major #pharmacists #steps #requirements
2 answers

Nariman Ahmed
Nariman’s Answer
Find out what it takes to be a pharmacist including the kind of courses you have to take starting in junior-high, high school and college. If you have an aptitude for such courses like chemistry and the like, then you should be okay. Find out if you can volunteer at some local pharmacy and talk to the pharmacists who work there and see what they have to say ad how they made it to pharmacy school and beyond. Make it your goal to get in pharmacy school and work toward it. More importantly, if this is what you want to do then don't lose faith in yourself.
Emily’s Answer
If you are interested in becoming a pharmacist, I suggest you follow your dream! Pharmacy can be a very rewarding career.
One of my close friends is finishing her Pharmacy school residence right now. It is a challenging major, including a lot of science and mathematics courses. Then once you complete your pre-pharmacy undergraduate degree, getting into a pharmacy school can be very competitive. Not everyone who applies makes it the first time, but then you try again! If you set your goal, work hard, and study hard, you can achieve your goal to be a pharmacist!! Good Luck!