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Nariman Ahmed’s Avatar

Nariman Ahmed

Graduate Instructional Assistant at Texas State University at San Marcos
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Austin, Texas
19 Answers
127681 Reads
121 Karma


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Sage’s Avatar
Sage Apr 29, 2014 4546 views

What's the financial situation like in college? Do you recommend getting a job, and is it hard to manage work with school?

I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm starting to think about college and what it is going to be like. I've heard that in college, it is hard to get by financially, and I was wondering what the reality of it is. How hard is it? What kind of things can you do to improve your financial...

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Apr 29, 2014 2366 views

Does attending an Ivy League or prestigious college affect the way potential employers view your application?

Could this give you an advantage when it comes to looking for jobs after graduating or even just internships during college? I will be attending an Ivy League next fall. #career #education #career-path #college-selection

Simran ’s Avatar
Simran May 04, 2014 12102 views

Is it common for students to switch majors? Will it affect how long it takes you to graduate?

I am a high school senior and I have no idea what I want to major in or purse. I was just wondering how common it is for a student to switch majors and how much of a set back it is on your education. #college #college-major #education #graduation #switches

Lori’s Avatar
Lori Mar 31, 2014 5238 views

Confused... Should you chose a job based on your enjoyment or based on compensation?

I am a girl who is not exactly sure about what I want to do but I would like to know how people chose their career options. #medicine #law #education #health #career-path #government #arts

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Apr 29, 2014 4000 views

Would going to a school that has a reputation of being a party school distract me from my studies?

I went on a trip to look for colleges and fell in love with the campus at UCSB, but I'm worried that if I go there, I will get distracted from my studies, as it is known to be a party school. What are the pros and cons of going to a school like this? Would it be better to go somewhere that...

Shi’s Avatar
Shi Apr 07, 2014 1509 views

If you go to college to learn about Pharmacy as a major is that the hardest major to get in?

The reason i'm asking this question because i want to be a pharmacist when i grow up. I want to know if this major going to be hard to get in this major. #college-major #pharmacists #steps #requirements

Hutson’s Avatar
Hutson Sep 22, 2014 1480 views


I AM AWESOME AND I WANT TO BECOME A TEACHER AND HI ELLA #teaching #teacher #football #horses

Jazmine’s Avatar
Jazmine Mar 26, 2014 16290 views

Do you or have you thought about mashing nutrition and psychology into one career? Has it worked out or do you think it will work out? Why or why not?

I am interested in nutrition's effect on emotional and physical diseases. I want to replace pills and medication as such with nutrition and all natural, super-food diets. I have not heard of a psychologist who, for example, would replace antidepressant pills with cashews, which are natural...

Sega385’s Avatar
Sega385 Mar 01, 2013 2401 views

What are some things I should be doing in order to become a journalist or published author?

I am a senior in high school and an aspiring writer. I have loved writing for a few years now and can see myself doing that for my job and possibly becoming a published author in the future. Even though I have some experience and internships relating to the writing and journalism field, I was...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Mar 20, 2014 3028 views

For a journalist, Can you voice you opinion or only state facts?

I took a journalism class in 9th grade and I fell in love with it. But my teacher said that a journalist must only state the facts. I love to voice my opinion though, so I don't know what to do. #journalism #opinion

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Mar 26, 2014 1574 views

What is a good starting Journalist job?

I am an aspiring journalist who lives in San Jose, CA. I am looking for a job in journalism, but I am only 15. IS there any journalism jobs that would be appropriate to apply for? #journalism #first-job

Alaysia’s Avatar
Alaysia Mar 28, 2014 1877 views

When working in the career of Journalism, is it as exciting as many people say? Or does the suspense come for certain types of areas of journalism?

I've always wondered what areas of Journalism are more exciting than the others. I mean, Journalism should be fun either way, but I've always wanted to know which ones brought about the most excitement. Which parts of Journalism spark that rush of love for the career? #career #journalism...

Mariana’s Avatar
Mariana Apr 09, 2014 1705 views

What do you need to start a school newspaper?

I'm a junior in high school. #journalism #help #newspaper

Mariana’s Avatar
Mariana Apr 08, 2014 1418 views

Is there room for expression if you pursue a career in the field of journalism?

I'm a high school Junior and I enjoy writing and photography and feel like journalism is a good way to incorporate both. #journalism #writing

Mariana’s Avatar
Mariana Apr 09, 2014 2519 views

What skills do you need to be a journalist?

I'm a high school junior interested in photography and writing. #journalism #help