Since technology is advancing today will there be more jobs in the field of computers and information technology?
I am asking this question because that is my intended major and curious about the job growth in that field. #computer #technology
5 answers
Carl’s Answer
I would agree with both Joanne and David and wish to add a little to both of their details. The Internet of Things (IoT) is really becoming a part of daily lives in all developed countries and this development is only going to ramp up in coming years. I work for Dell EMC and teach Intro to Computer classes at a community college so I am in a unique position to observe this technology explosion. If you are looking to get into the computer field and wondering if it a sustainable and growing field, the answer is a resounding yes! There are so many facets and flavors to computer technologies that there is literally something for everybody. If you are a "hands-on" person, there is always a need for device and data center technicians who repair hardware. If you are creative, there is always a need for software programmers, designers, etc. If you like to control things, networking might be the route to go. I would advise investigating different aspects of computer technology and settling on something that suits your individual passions. You know what they say, "If you love what you do...going to work isn't like work at all." Something to that effect.

David Galvin
David’s Answer
Great question! Over my 20 year career in technology sales and consulting I have seen technology grow in "all" industries. Having a Major or Minor in technology would bode well no matter which exact field you go into. For example, technology is being heavily used in the following industries:
- Manufacturing - automobile plants use high-end technology to build through design automobiles. The days of grease and muscle are nearly gone.
- Agriculture - farmers to cattle stock, companies in this industry leverage technology behind the scenes and on the job.
- Banking - finance and banking organizations need folks that understand technology, code, security, etc to setup & manage backend to customer oriented touch points.
- Retail - so much of retail, from marketing, management, sales, etc need good IT graduates as well.
- Technology - of course, companies that are specifically geared towards technology from companies using education management tools, databases, software, and hardware need savvy technologist.
The key is to integrate real work experience into the flow of earning your degree. Work as an intern and slowly learn more and more. You may even want to study 1 semester and take a co-op the other semester until you graduate. You will be working a long-time in your career, so now is where you can lay a good foundation by gaining and learning as much as you can in the classroom, on the job, and in team environments. Gaining diverse skills and knowledge in technology will look great on your resume and also give you a leg up in meeting the right folks. Lastly, join and beginning building an online portfolio of your work experience and interests. Good luck and stay the course... Cheers!
Carl’s Answer
Luis’s Answer
Employment of computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 557,100 new jobs. Demand for these workers will stem from greater emphasis on cloud computing, the collection and storage of big data, and information security.
The median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $84,580 in May 2017, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $37,690.
Joanne’s Answer
Everyone needs a computer so there should be a job available.
Take a look at the concept of the 'internet of things' - this includes smart houses, smart cars .. etc ... Someone has to create the technology for those to run.
Also, take a look at the PBS video - The Hunan Face of Big Data
Computers (and data) are here to stay, so you might as well be a provider of it.