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Joanne Mammarelli’s Avatar

Joanne Mammarelli

Systems Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Montclair, New Jersey
137 Answers
325072 Reads
1011 Karma


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Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 20, 2018 1261 views

Best computer science colleges in the US?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 20, 2018 992 views

Best undergraduate computer science colleges?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college #it...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 20, 2018 946 views

Best online colleges for computer science?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college #online...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 18, 2018 951 views

Is information systems a good major?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college...

Jaylen’s Avatar
Jaylen Apr 19, 2018 851 views

What degree do I need to become a computer engineer?


Jordyn’s Avatar
Jordyn Apr 24, 2018 2818 views

Computer science vs Cybersecurity BS?

My school offers a BS in Computer Science and a BS in Cybersecurity. No specializations, they are their own separate BS degrees. They offer similar classes in the beginning, but then change and become more focused near the end. I am wanting to know, if anyone knows, what each field is like? For...

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Apr 24, 2018 844 views

What kind of fields can a computer science major expect to work in?

What type of thing can we be expected to do? Would we be expected to be able to program in most any subject area, whether it's medical or societal or industrial? Or would we be limited to fewer options post-graduation?
#technology #computer-science

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Apr 26, 2018 1013 views

If I want to be an online college instructor and I earn my master’s degree in education and technology, what college courses will I be qualified to teach once I’m finished?

I have a bachelor’s degree in English writing, but I have experience and interest in other fields, namely in technology and psychology. #higher-education #education #technology #career #onlinelearning #elearning #masters #masters-degree #future-careers #teacher #instructional-technology...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Apr 26, 2018 972 views

Will I be able to complete academic research in a field with only a master’s degree, or should I plan to earn a doctorate?

I want to continue to study the relationships between education, psychology, and the ongoing digital revolution. It’s my current goal to be an online college instructor with a master’s degree in education and technology. #higher-education #education #technology #career #onlinelearning...

christopher’s Avatar
christopher May 10, 2018 4439 views

what kind of programming language would you recommend for a computer engineer thats also a freshmen in high school?

were are doing a project at school about our carrier #technology #computer-science #software-engineering #computer-engineering #programming #software-development #computer-programming #python #java #C #javascript

Gelsey’s Avatar
Gelsey May 31, 2018 844 views

What are the complexities of becoming a computer engineer?

I was involved in robotics this year and I really enjoyed the technological computing innovation behind it. The structure to advance our robot required concepts of computer engineering. I’ve realized that there’s a lot of principals to this form of engineering. #career #engineer #robots...

Shelly’s Avatar
Shelly Oct 14, 2017 1177 views

How do I pursue a career path from Computer Science to Economics?

I have 5 year experience in casino gaming industry as a software developer. I have interest in Probability and Statistics . Also , I want to study Economics in my MS . What is the career path for a person having experience in computer Science and pursuing Economics in MS ? Will I be able to...

Nazib’s Avatar
Nazib Oct 02, 2017 975 views

Why do some people who have zero or some experience in programming attempt to get programming jobs?

I understand software engineers get paid around $60,000(or around that cost) in annual salary. But why?

#technology #software-engineering #programming

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Sep 29, 2017 878 views

Is loan for college a good option?

This is because I planing of applying for a loan.#computer-science

Zach’s Avatar
Zach Sep 27, 2017 962 views

How do I start my own company with out going into debt and struggling financially?

I want to run my own coding/ movie company. I want to write, direct, and code for the rest of my life. Starting a company is scary considering all the competition and fear of banckrupcy. #technology #computer #movies