Will I be able to complete academic research in a field with only a master’s degree, or should I plan to earn a doctorate?
I want to continue to study the relationships between education, psychology, and the ongoing digital revolution. It’s my current goal to be an online college instructor with a master’s degree in education and technology.
#higher-education #education #technology #career #onlinelearning #elearning #masters #masters-degree #future-careers #teacher #instructional-technology #instruction #instructor
3 answers
Ken’s Answer
Congratulations on being involved in research of such an interesting career to follow It takes a special person to enter into a that career field and meet the demands which that career area presents. The first step is to get to know yourself to see if you share the personality traits which makes one successful in that area. The next step is doing networking to meet and talk to and possibly shadow people doing what you might think that you want to do to see if this is something that you really want to do, as a career area could look much different on the inside than it looks from the outside. When I was doing college recruiting, I encountered too many students, who skipped these important steps, and ended up in a career/job for which they were ill suited.
Ken recommends the following next steps:
Laurie’s Answer
My best advice is to review advertisements for job vacancies in online instruction. A good place to begin is higheredjobs.com. Review the qualification requirements for interested candidates and this will give you a sense of what you can expect when you are ready to create your own application.
Joanne’s Answer
Having a doctorate and/or a masters degree with a LOT of experience should help you gain employment as an instructor.
You can gain academic research now -- befriend your local professor and (s)he may take you in to perform tasks.