What are the best medical fields to explore?
I definitely desire a career in medicine, but I'm not entirely sure what field I want to focus on. I'm currently planning on focusing in gynecology, but I'm wondering what other interesting fields there are. I'm not uncomfortable working with blood, urine, or any other bodily fluids. However, I'm not particularly interested in dentistry or dermatology. I am, however, open to anything else. #doctor #medicine #nursing
2 answers
Richard’s Answer
Erlease’s Answer
I would first say that you have to consider WHY you want to enter the medical field; a good reason would be because you are a caring person and want to help others. Some people enter the medical field just for money but that is not a good reason. It is very difficult caring for people, especially when those people don't appreciate your help. A very difficult career choice, very challenging, and sometimes even down-right dirty. If it's not in your heart you will become very frustrated and burn-out very quickly. Healthcare, however, can also be very rewarding knowing that you are making a difference in someone else's life. Since you are not particularly comfortable working with blood, urine, or any other bodily fluids, you might want to consider a more diagnostic position in healthcare. Maybe medical billing and coding or radiology technician. All the best