Is taking Drama at my school a worthwhile club when perusing film making?
I think that by taking Drama I may gain some insights film making (acting, blocking, lights, etc). However, what role can Drama play in helping me become a better potential film maker #film-production #film-acting #video-production #drama #stage-management #studio-lighting
4 answers

Anthony V. Crivello
Anthony V.’s Answer
Drama, Literature, Voice, Audio Visual Clubs, Computer Skills, Languages... all help. Take Pre-College courses too. Best of luck. AC
Charlie’s Answer
I would say you're only in high school and you have to start somewhere. Drama for acting is a plus, but while related it's kind of not. Acting for film is much different than stage. The actions are different, much smaller. Only because the audience is a camera.
However the process, the focus, and practice of memorizing lines and other stage production tasks will be good.
Kirstin’s Answer
From a set management perspective, it's always good to put yourself in the shoes of everyone on your crew and talent, and be able to understand their role, the challenges and the benefits. It helps you be a better leader and filmmaker. So I'd say if you have the time and capability, it never hurts!
Amy’s Answer
I took Drama in high school and loved it, but as a filmmaker now I'd say that experience doesn't necessarily influence me now. I did however take up photography in high school and went on to major in photography in college, and that truly helped in filmmaking. It helps you to develop your own eye for shots and composition, and even your own taste of what styles you like. I'd say if your high school offers photography take that over Drama, and if not, take it up on your own!