How can I get into Law Enforcement whle in high school?
I am currently a sophomore in high school, and I am leaning towards being a detective and I would like to get more interested. What could I do? #criminal-justice #law-enforcement
5 answers
Kevin’s Answer
Well if you are interested in law enforcement keep learning about it. Check to see if your school have any criminal justice classes you can take , but most agency requires you to be at least 21 years old to apply with them . Well I'm in Texas so that is the requirements here. Try checking with your local police department to see if they have a ride along program or junior officer where they can start teaching about be a police officer. Good luck to you !!
Jazz’s Answer
Finish high school and get a degree in any course related to law enforcement, depending on your choice of agency to serve.
James’s Answer

Robert Noriega
Robert’s Answer
Hi Naomi,
I suggest you check with your local Police Department(s) and/or Sheriff's Office to see if they have an Explorer program. As an Explorer you will get some exposure to a law enforcement career via training and interacting with other Explorers, current/experienced Police Officers and other police department personnel. I know of quite a few current and retired Police Officers and Sheriff's Deputies that started their careers in the same way and they found the experience invaluable.
Good luck!
Brad’s Answer
You have great ambitions in your life. A career in Law Enforcement is a very challenging choice.I retired in 2008 after 34 years in law enforcement. i was the coordinator Police Explorers for the Fort Worth Police Department for 24 years. I saw about fifty former explorers become police officers in FWPD and surrounding cities. I recommend that you check with the local Boy Scouts of America for a local agency that sponsors a law enforcement explorer post. Police Explorers learn about becoming a police officer and all of their responsibilities and problems in performing their jobs. This program is an excellent way to determine if law enforcement is the career you are interested in. If law enforcement is not for you Boy Scouts of America/Learning for Life program has career choices in many different career choices.Good luck in your career choice.