20 answers
Kim’s Answer
I think a lot depends on the nature of the job. In assembly-line work, for example, the boss might be the "crack the whip" type to keep people working faster. In many office jobs, you may never see your immediate boss except once a day, or less. So, if you think of a boss as someone who doles out assignments and interrupts your coffee breaks, then, in that sense, a lot of people might resent this.
If you look at the boss for guidance and learning, that is good. If the boss is someone to make decisions when you do not want to, that too can be good. If you are having problems with a co-worker, and do not want to confront them directly, a good boss can find a way to address the problem without ever letting it be known that his actions were based on your "snitching." That can be good.
I like a boss who gives me the tools (training and equipment) I need to do my job, and then gets out of my way. I like to be able to solve my own problems, and know when to go to him for help. For three years, my boss was 7 miles away. That was about the right distance! I had no on-site supervisor. Loved it. Not all people like having to make day to day decisions though.
Be cautious of changing jobs to be with a supervisor that you like. Way too many times, I have seen new managers come on board, hire all their friends, and then leave. The friends are then left to fend for themselves, and the replacements aren't always good.
When I was young, and just starting out, I looked at my boss as sort of a school principal. I thought I had to always be busy when he was around, etc. This is usually not the case.
Hope this helps. Now, had you asked if I like my current boss, that would have been a different answer!
Adam’s Answer
There are a lot of advantages to having a boss. The boss takes care of things like making sure the sales team pushes for our product, gathering feedback from our customers into a readable form, negotiating with other teams to determine who will handle each part of a collaborative project, and making sure that our individual work combines into a useful product.
If no one did these things, our product would fail. If I did all these things myself, I wouldn't have any time to do the creative engineering and scientific work I enjoy (and honestly I wouldn't enjoy doing most of the things my boss handles).
With that said, it obviously depends on the boss! Having a manager you don't like is one of the biggest reasons people switch jobs. If you're looking for a position at a small company, make sure you like your boss. At a larger company, make sure there is flexibility to change teams.
Doug’s Answer
If you think of your boss simply as somebody who tells you what to do, I suggest finding a new boss. A good working relationship between manager and individual contributor is one of mutual learning and support. Most industries and career paths require working on a team, and that's a good thing if you want to stretch your personal growth and expedite success. Good managers know how to lead and provide support & tools to their employees in order to make them successful. Your relationship with your manager should ideally be one of learning and respect. Having a manager who helps you grow through consistent challenges and learning opportunities will make you appreciate working on a team. If you ever feel consistently bored, undervalued, or held back, it's time to find a true boss/manager/leader/mentor that can take you to the next level.
Tharani’s Answer
I love working for my current boss and a few of them who have helped me along in my career path. I am talking from both prospective where I have been an owner of a company (the boss), shouldering the responsibility of my entire team to currently working for a great boss. I enjoy my bosses insights and the advise she provides on situations that will help me grow as a person. I learn quite a lot from her. If you think of your boss as a mentor and not as someone who gives you direction it will give you a new prospective. Think of your manager as a partner in getting to the goals that he/she sets but also someone who will be encouraging you along to get to your own personal goals.
Michael’s Answer
My current boss really takes a laid back approach of get your stuff done and if you need help ask for it. Other team leads want you to be always doing things and are always on their team which funny enough has lead to them being less productive. Having a "boss" can be nice when you need help and someone to take responsibility when things go wrong and knowing someone will keep you accountable for not doing your job keeps you productive in some way or another.
Mohamed’s Answer
The problems we face when we have a bad boss are almost too numerous to mention, but the two biggest of these issues are:
They can negatively impact our work performance.
They can make life miserable
These two issues alone make it worth trying to figure out how to work more effectively with our boss, even when they are bad.
There is a catch-all term we use regarding bosses and co-workers called “being difficult.” It’s not too specific to exactly know what the issue is. Sometimes, when we are in the midst of a constant barrage from the bad boss, it’s hard to know exactly where the difficulty may lie. All we know is it is difficult to work successfully with this person.
Here are some suggestions that might help reduce the level of difficulty:
- Look To Your Own Performance First
You might think they are being difficult, because they are demanding a different level of output from you. Make sure you are clear on what they expect from you.
- Realize You May Have Opposing Styles
You might be expecting something from your boss that they simply can’t do. You might think they are unfriendly simply because they fail to say “Good Morning.” To them, that might simply be a waste of time. Examine your own expectations of what you think they should be doing. They may not be very outgoing or simply operate differently than what you’re used to. Reset your expectations.
- Learn The Boss
Spend some time really observing this person to see what they do that is impacting you. In the process, you might learn that they are getting leaned on by their boss and it’s creating extra stress. You could discover they aren’t a morning person, meaning you should delay important interactions until after lunch. Figure out their rhythms and modify your own.
- Don’t Shrink
All too often, when we don’t like someone, we go out of your way to avoid them. While I think this tactic can work to keep you under the radar, wait to do that until you clearly have exhausted all your options. You may also find that more, not less, communication can help you with this type of person. Shrinking away into a dark corner won’t help you.
- Become Indispensable
If you’ve attempted to learn more about the boss, take it to the next level and up your level of problem solving and support. This will help them shine to their own boss and will reduce reasons for finding fault with you. You can become the “go-to” person that they respect and depend on.
- Let It Roll Off Of You
We will spend a lifetime of running into people that are demanding, critical, and downright volatile. You need to learn the skill of blowing most of it off. Certainly, there will be some of it that will still bother you, but most of the time you can simply not let it penetrate. I’m not suggesting ignoring the boss’s needs or demands; I’m saying to not let their method of delivery be what grabs your attention or reaction.
I have found that even the most difficult of bosses can be tamed or at least subdued. I once worked for a guy who had even the most senior, sage people in tears. When I started working directly for him, I noticed he was quick to engage in verbal battle. If you stood up for yourself, he backed down. I soon figured out that he tested people. If they backed down, he was relentless.
When I told him my observation, he laughed and told me I was the only person who had figured it out. He felt that if you were right about something, you would defend it and if you didn’t defend it, he couldn’t respect you. It was that simple. It was who he was – good or bad, but we always worked well together – and that’s the most important part. You can turn a bad situation around, but it does take work.
Pradeep’s Answer
lot of the bosses I worked with I have genuinely enjoyed and became friends with. There have been others that I really had to make sure that my attitude was good every day before I went in to work, but even with those bosses I made sure that I took the knowledge that they had to give and learned from it.
Scott D.’s Answer
Ironically, in the agency I currently work in, my boss is my only real friend in the the place. So no, I am not bothered by having a boss at all.
Chanyce’s Answer
I hope that helps!
Carolyn’s Answer
When you first start out in the work force most people have a boss. I think that a lot of whether you like your boss or not is the attitude that you go into the relationship with. If you go in with the attitude that your boss is there to teach you what you need to know to be a good employee then I think that the relationship will be a good one. In my case I have had many bosses in my lifetime and I learned something from every one of them. A lot of the bosses I worked with I have genuinely enjoyed and became friends with. There have been others that I really had to make sure that my attitude was good every day before I went in to work, but even with those bosses I made sure that I took the knowledge that they had to give and learned from it.
So in short the answer to your question is "No, it does not bother me to have a boss." It is the way most of us have to operate so just use each encounter as a learning opportunity and when the time comes that you are the "boss" made sure that you apply the best parts of what you learned as an employee to the way that you deal with those that are under you!
Liuv’s Answer
Chaitra’s Answer
Melanie’s Answer
Stéphane’s Answer
This is a good question ;)
Indeed it really depends WHO is your boss.
In my life I had 2 very good manager. They learnt me a lot of things and I was really appreciative about them.
Some other times I had other boss, that was more tough for me as I thought they were not learning me things, they were not supportive about my job/projects... So it realy depends about WHO is your boss. There's not a formal rule.
A good boss is a MANAGER : he has to make his team members improving their skills, their efficiency... and then one day maybe replace himself...not always easy ;)
Babu’s Answer
It is always good to have a boss who can coach you, guide you and show you proper carrier path, however it again depends on how you build your rapport with you boss it should always be a 2ways than one. The other major thing which I have noticed is some people addressing everyone as boss whoever is above them, just to get their attention which is inappropriate.
Jessica’s Answer
Having a boss does not bother me. They are available as a resource and the only time you'll have a problem is if you make it a problem. I would suggest getting to know your boss and their type of personality (personality tree) and see how you can work together in a positive way!
Pavol’s Answer
It depends on personality. Some people like to get step by step direction from the boss how to get to the target. But others prefer to know the target and to find their way by them self. For them if boss is telling them what to do can be bothering. And the best is if your boss is also good mentor. Mentoring from somebody really experienced is priceless.