What are some of the ways that fashion can communicate various political attitudes/atmospheres in a time period, and what role does fashion play in crafting or reflecting politics?
Two of my primary interests are Politics and Fashion Design, and I am curious as to how the two subjects may intersect within modern culture. #fashion #sociology #political-science #apparel-and-fashion #cultural-studies
2 answers
M.’s Answer
What a terrific question! I want to share Forbes, Vogue and NYT articles in the case you have not already read them:
Nancy’s Answer
Hi Zachary (sorry I spelled your name wrong in a previous reply). I remember years ago, reading that depending on how the economy was doing, that this affected skirt lengths- mini, knee and midi. Fashion goes in a cycle- the mini length may be popular for a season or 2 then it goes away. A few years after, it comes back. I find that fashion changes quickly- example, bell bottoms are in the stores or online but aren't well received...the boot cut becomes the next key style. To me, politics is a touchy subject but if you're creative enough, you find a way to make this and fashion work together. Sometimes, it's a political figure who influences fashion. An example would be Michele Obama- she was in the public eye a lot and women looked to see what she was wearing. some of her clothing was from J. Crew- this helped their business a lot! She may have worn an expensive designer/ couture gown but a designer can tweak this (using a similar though cheaper fabric, cheaper labor- where it's made, etc) so it's more affordable to the average woman. I'm not sure if this really answers your question but I tried!