Why is having jobs outside my field of study advantageous and/or disadvantageous?
I'm considering on having a retail job as well as a tutoring job while I'm studying. #jobs #career-choice #career-path #job-search #studying
3 answers
Kim’s Answer
Hi Deborah!
What's your major?
It is advantageous to be a well-rounded person, to be able to "make smalltalk" in any field, and because no field exists in a vacuum. There is overlap, especially when it comes to customer service! Every field has customers, so the retail experience is a "transferrable skill" - you will need it working in medical, social services, home repair, automotive, etc. The same for money handling experience! Tutoring is an easy way to prove on a resume that you are good at what you do. When I say that I tutored GED math, it is a much stronger statement than saying simply that I "am good at math." You are on a good path! Keep it up!
Kim’s Answer
Hi Deborah,
I agree with Kim! My only additional thought to consider is the fact that you have selected two very engaging jobs that will support your inter-personal skills development - a very important skill in the work environment. At the same time you may meet some very interesting people and potentially some very helpful contacts as you continue your education and career. Keep you mind and eyes open for these opportunities and retain them for future reference. Best of luck!

Frank Minerva, CFA, CFP®
Frank’s Answer
In my opinion, one of the keys to success in life is BALANCE. No one wants to spend time at dinner with someone who can only speak to one subject. The more you engage in a variety of experiences regarding your personal life and career you become more balanced and interesting and you learn more about your personal preferences; what makes you joyous and what you don't like, which is important.
How does one get more balance? Be open and versatile. Choose variety in your reading, movies, engage in sports you enjoy, experience some art , as well as theater. Become and stay interesting!