2 answers
Which college and university have the best medicine major?
I want to learn medicine in the future. I wander which college and university have better medicine education the Canada or especially in the province of Quebec. Thank you ! #college #college-major #university #major #medical-education
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2 answers
Gianni’s Answer
University of Toronto, UBC School of Medicine, and McGill are the top 3.
Kylie’s Answer
Hi Chun!
Other universities in that area with medical programs are Université Laval in Quebec City and Université de Montréal (Montreal and Trois-Rivières campuses). I also would not worry too much about which schools have the absolute best program because getting into any medical program of field at a college is a huge accomplishment. I would recommend to obviously do your best and try your hardest but know that any level of education will get you where you want to be!
Other universities in that area with medical programs are Université Laval in Quebec City and Université de Montréal (Montreal and Trois-Rivières campuses). I also would not worry too much about which schools have the absolute best program because getting into any medical program of field at a college is a huge accomplishment. I would recommend to obviously do your best and try your hardest but know that any level of education will get you where you want to be!