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How do I manage my time in college?

Sometimes, I have everything together and I able to complete my work. However, other times, I find hard to focus. This is when it becomes difficult to stay motivated in school. I have tried utilizing a planner to keep myself on track, but I always forget about it. I just haven't found a clear path to get work done yet. #college #teacher #professor #student

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Karen’s Answer

Kudos to you for asking the question because that means you are open to learning from others and are willing to identify an area where perhaps you can improve.  Best advice I can give is keep learning from others!

To manage your time, use the tool you most enjoy -- track your time on your phone, online or whatever works for you.  Try using one of them for a week and see if it helps.  If not, try something else.  Any time I have an assignment or think of something I need to do, I add it to my task list in Outlook -- then every morning that's the first thing I check.  Feels good when I know I have a project to do but can forget about it until it comes up on my task list (several days before project needs to be done).

All the best to you!

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Genevieve’s Answer

Staying on track in college can get challenging at times. Especially when you have several things going on all at once. For me, a planner was what helped keep me on track. I would also use my college's class schedule template, input the days, times & locations of each class, printed a few copies - one to bring with me to school and the other to hang in my room or fridge. After several weeks, I memorized the class schedule and did not need it. After getting my syllabus from each class, I would enter in due dates for projects, assignments, as well as test dates in my planner. Is this something you've done? Bringing it around with you is very helpful as well. I never left my planner at home. It was always with me, so I just naturally would look at it frequently to update it when professors made announcements or I learned about upcoming events.

You might want to try using the calendar feature on a smartphone as well as a whiteboard calendar in your room. The whiteboard calendar in your room is something you won't be able to ignore, and requires updating every month/week. Another subtle way to keep on track is constant communication with classmates. It helps to have at least one buddy in each class. This is a person you can rely on in terms of notes (when you miss class), keeping up with the class, studying, etc.

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Stephanie Cristina’s Answer

It is important to find the right place for you to study in. While some people prefer background noise while studying maybe trying a new cafe , a Starbucks or a panera might be a good idea if you prefer to study in this setting. Others prefer complete silence and being free of distractions, removing yourself away from places of comforts like your bedroom or home because of all of the other possible distractions within that space. In our times is difficult to stay away from technology - social media and phones are huge distractions to all of us. Having a clear goal in mind is crucial for accomplishing tasks. If agenda's and planners do not work well for you try reminders on google calendar-this may help set aside specific times to study.

You can also try studying with a friend as an incentive for getting the work done. Also, meeting with teachers and asking them questions about material that you are unclear about. (Make sure that you take the necessary notes during class, attending class usually helps with keeping track of due dates and assignment deadlines) . Plus clearly we are more informed when it comes to the content and knowledge necessary to complete those assignments. Give yourself rewards for completing task and also take time to relax and do the things you love because it can energize you into feeling motivated enough to do the things that you may not want to do.

We all know that managing school, work life, and social life all at once is one of the most complicated task of our busy-world and life. We all struggle with this and their is no clear-cut solution or answer. We are all different and need to explore what works best for ourselves.

Keep fighting!

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Diana E.’s Answer

Hi Anifa,

Over the years I've learned that starting out with a quick to do list is tremendously helpful. If you are able to set up a time block (say you want to study or do work for 2 hours an evening, for example), start out by writing down a few goals for that time. Let's say you have 2 hours and in that time you want to: A) read 2 chapters for one subject B) complete an assignment for another subject C) read a chapter for another subject. Try crossing things off your list as you complete them and stop after 2 hours. Take a break then and see if you want to keep working to finish whatever is on your list that might not have been completed. If you don't feel like doing so, you know you've devoted 2 hours (or whatever amount of time you set out to achieve) and that in itself is an accomplishment.

I've also learned that turning off distractors is very helpful. I find that it's difficult to work and truly concentrate with music or tv on. Try getting rid of whatever may be distracting you and setting up an environment that is most conducive to what will set you up for success during the time you devote to your studies.