1 answer
What jobs might I be able to get soon? As, I am turning 14.
So soon I am turning 14 and I want to know what jobs I can be able to get when I turn to that age.
1 answer
Fred’s Answer
Well, you will have to check the labor laws in your state. Sometimes there are restrictions on people under the age of 16 working. They may limit the kind of work, the places, the times, or the number of hours. I don't know for sure, but my GUESS is that a small, independent store would be more likely be able to hire you than some big corporation. I would also assume you will need your parent's/guardian's permission. They will most likely have to sign a document stating they are OK with it.
Of course, you could start your own business. When I was your age, I mowed lawns for money. I didn't have a formal business, I just had a few neighbors who wanted their lawns cut once a week or whatever. I know people who did make a business out of it - they had flyers, they advertised, they (with their parents help) registered as a corporation, etc.
Think of something people may need, and try and figure out a way to provide that service.
Of course, you could start your own business. When I was your age, I mowed lawns for money. I didn't have a formal business, I just had a few neighbors who wanted their lawns cut once a week or whatever. I know people who did make a business out of it - they had flyers, they advertised, they (with their parents help) registered as a corporation, etc.
Think of something people may need, and try and figure out a way to provide that service.
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