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What can I do to succeed?

I think it's to start researching, learn about what you want, and take notes. I'd like to know what other things I should add to this list.

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Martha’s Answer

Hello Isun, your question has many aspects to consider.

Firstly, let's define "success" for you. Is it solely about money, and if so, how much do you require? This requires deep thinking, discussions with trusted adults, and researching costs.

However, "success" may also involve meaningful work, time for family and hobbies, supporting a social cause, or leaving a legacy. There's no single correct definition, but there's one for you, which might change over time, and that's okay.

Secondly, while research is good, be mindful of what you want to research. Write down questions to ask others, allowing for deeper conversations and useful information. If a question isn't helpful, rephrase it. Similarly, pay attention to which online search terms yield valuable information and refine them. Your notes might become lengthy, so plan how to organize and store them. A small notebook is portable but less organized, while a Google doc is accessible but limited in format.

In summary, my response isn't about adding items to your list, but enhancing the ones you already have. Good luck!

Martha recommends the following next steps:

Think more about what success means to you
Think ahead of time about how to organize your notes