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What are some of the Pros and Cons that are not as obvious for being a high school or middle school teacher (Public and Private schools.)?

I'm going into 9th grade, and I'm pretty sure I want be a teacher when I grow up. But, with that being said, I only know the more common Pros and Cons. Even when researching it I get the same ones over and over again. But school is coming up and I want to know as much as I can, since I will be taking freshmen education courses that my school is offering. And I want a bit of a head start.

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Sarah’s Answer

With a decade of dedicated teaching experience focused on middle school students, I bring a wealth of knowledge and insights that uniquely suit the needs of this age group. Allow me to share some invaluable observations about the wonderful world of middle schoolers!

Pros: Middle school students exude a refreshing sense of independence and enthusiasm to contribute. They eagerly take on tasks, chores, and errands, relishing the chance to demonstrate their growing maturity. Embracing complex ideas and topics, they thrive when presented with more sophisticated language and concepts, making learning truly engaging. Their insatiable appetite for knowledge leads to thought-provoking questions that challenge educators in the most rewarding ways.

Cons: While middle schoolers possess remarkable traits, it's essential to recognize the challenges inherent to this developmental stage. At times, they may express a desire to be elsewhere, perhaps indulging in leisure activities like video games, sports, or shopping. Amidst instruction, they may occasionally lose focus, leading to potential lapses in comprehension. Some students might exhibit strong attitudes, presenting back-talking or arguing, as they navigate their sense of self.

Moreover, the dynamic nature of adolescence can manifest in interpersonal conflicts and a herd mentality, which can pose challenges when managing classroom dynamics. Peer pressure may influence their actions, and hormonal changes might contribute to occasional moodiness, particularly among girls.

In this role, teachers often find themselves taking on a myriad of responsibilities, acting as educators, caregivers, counselors, mediators, and emotional pillars for their students. Yet, in the midst of these challenges, there lies an opportunity to make a profound impact on the lives of these young learners, offering support, guidance, and understanding during their transformative journey.
Thank you comment icon Thanks for taking the time and responding. I know its been a few months (due to me going back to school) but, I do really appreciate you taking time to write this, it is very helpful. Leah
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Alana’s Answer

Teaching is a very rewarding career but like you noted there are several well known pros and cons. Like several other careers it is best to network and meet others in the industry so that you can get their honest opinion. When it comes to education and teaching you will find that each state and district can differ substantially so remember if one person says something that concerns you keep it in mind but look at other districts which might be different. In addition to getting to know others in the industry, look to volunteer at a local school district to get a "birds eye" view of the inner workings to see if you enjoy it or not.

If a traditional teaching job ends up not appealing to you, the Ed Tech industry is growing constantly and you might want to look at a role within that industry which would compliment education and technology interests.
Thank you comment icon Thanks, for taking the time to reply, and giving some advice, and other helpful information. Leah
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Saradhi’s Answer

Great Question Leah!

First and foremost, as a former educator, I applaud you for already looking at the education field.

I was a teacher for 10 years, before moving into "teaching teachers", and now into EdTech.

Teaching is amazing and rewarding, but as you have already seen, there are pros and cons to everything. Here are a few that I came across that while teaching that might not be in your typical google search.

> Working with students - they are very few jobs out there that provide such a rewarding experience on a daily basis. Every day is different, and you can feel the satisfaction that you are truly changing lives just by doing your job.

> You get to have fun at work everyday - I can remember speaking to some of college classmates asking them about their days. Their responses would be " I made a presentation" or " I developed this program". Mine would be "we played math jeopardy" or " we competed in field day, and I was in the dunk tank". Teaching is fun, period.

> Relationships - often times you are seeing your students on a daily basis more than their parents do. You form relationships with students just by doing what you are supposed to do everyday. You have the privilege of guiding them in ways you didn't even realize where occurring. I still have students reach out to me to this day asking for advice.

> Pay - unfortunately educators in the United States are extremely undervalued and underpaid. Often times I was making 1/3 of what my college classmates were making. As much as I wish I could say it doesn't matter, sometimes it can.

> Dealing with issues - students bring things to class (emotional issues, trouble at home, etc.) that you as a teacher will have to navigate, and often bear the brunt of. It's part of the job, and it can be stressful.

> Outside forces - It's not just the kids. You are also dealing with administrators, state mandates, and laws that you have no control over. These can often feel like they get in the way of your actual teaching.

Hopefully this is helpful, and if you decide after going through the process of becoming an educator that teaching isn't right for you, there are so many spin-off careers that will be available to you.

Good luck on your journey!
Thank you comment icon Thanks this brought to my attention some of the Pros and Cons that I had not seen nor thought of. Thanks, also for taking the time to reply and give advice as a former educator. Leah
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Leah!

Pros of Being a High School or Middle School Teacher

Making a Difference: One of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher is the opportunity to make a positive impact on students’ lives. Teachers have the ability to inspire, motivate, and shape young minds, helping them develop academically, socially, and emotionally.

Building Relationships: Teaching provides the chance to build strong relationships with students and their families. As a teacher, you have the opportunity to connect with students on a personal level, understand their unique needs, and support them in their educational journey.

Professional Growth: Teaching offers continuous professional growth opportunities. Teachers are encouraged to attend workshops, conferences, and training sessions to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest educational practices. This constant learning can be intellectually stimulating and help teachers improve their teaching strategies.

Job Security: The demand for qualified teachers is generally high, providing job security in the education sector. Once you establish yourself as a competent and dedicated teacher, it is likely that you will have stable employment opportunities throughout your career.

Variety and Creativity: Teaching allows for creativity and variety in lesson planning and delivery. Teachers have the freedom to design engaging lessons that cater to different learning styles, making each day in the classroom unique and exciting.

School Holidays: Teachers enjoy regular breaks throughout the year, including summer vacations, winter holidays, and spring breaks. These breaks provide an opportunity for rest, rejuvenation, and spending time with family.

Contributing to Society: By becoming a teacher, you contribute to the betterment of society by educating future generations. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping responsible citizens who can contribute positively to their communities.

Cons of Being a High School or Middle School Teacher

Workload: Teaching can be demanding and time-consuming. Preparing lessons, grading assignments, and providing individualized attention to students can require significant amounts of time outside of regular school hours.

Emotional Stress: Dealing with challenging behaviors, academic struggles, and personal issues of students can be emotionally draining. Teachers often invest a lot of emotional energy into their work, which can sometimes lead to burnout or compassion fatigue.

Limited Control: Teachers may have limited control over the curriculum and teaching methods due to district or state requirements. This can sometimes restrict creativity and autonomy in the classroom.

Parental Involvement: While parental involvement is generally beneficial, it can also present challenges for teachers. Dealing with difficult parents or managing differing expectations can be a source of stress.

Salary and Benefits: Teacher salaries vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and education level. In some cases, teachers may feel that their compensation does not reflect the level of education and dedication required for the profession.

Lack of Resources: Teachers often face challenges related to limited resources, including outdated textbooks, insufficient technology, and inadequate funding for supplies. This can make it more challenging to create engaging learning environments.

Work-Life Balance: Balancing personal life and teaching responsibilities can be challenging. Teachers often bring work home and may need to dedicate evenings and weekends to grading papers, lesson planning, or attending school-related events.

Top 3 Authoritative Reference Publications/Domain Names Used:

National Education Association (NEA): The NEA is a professional organization representing teachers in the United States. They provide resources and information on various aspects of teaching, including professional development opportunities, advocacy efforts, and research-based practices. is an online platform dedicated to providing information and resources for aspiring teachers. They offer insights into different teaching careers, educational requirements, salary expectations, and tips for success in the field.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): The BLS provides data and information on various professions, including teaching. Their website offers statistics on job outlook, salary ranges, and educational requirements for teachers in different settings.

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James Constantine.
Thank you comment icon I wanted to say thank you I really do appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. Thanks for all of the Cons and Pros that you left for me. I will for sure look into the resources you left. I'm sure that they will help me for my upcoming competition for EdRising. Leah