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How do i achieve my goals?

How do i be successful in medical school? How do i stay focus?

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Dr Sire Ajay’s Answer

Hi please
1) read relevant material on medicine
2) practice yoga, meditation and other exercises to keep your body and mental health strong
3) kindly discuss with your parents teachers classmates and others
4) try to align your thinking with your dreams
thanks oneness healthiest times 🍊🙏😊😊
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Niha’s Answer

There are 3 big areas of focus you need to have.

1) Classes: you need to know your learning style and set habits early on. Class material should be reviewed early on, on your own and in groups (if that is how you study). Make sure you focus on the stuff you don't know, rather than reviewing everything and overwhelming yourself. It also helps to figure out how to study in different ways (ie, listening to material while driving instead of to music, reviewing mobile flashcards while waiting in line at the grocery store, etc).

2) Clinicals/Volunteering/Rotations: There will be a lot to do in medical school besides just studying to be successful. Make a plan. Plan out your months and weeks realistically. Do not plan things back to back and make sure you allot for break times, and try to allot for at least one break time each week that has nothing to do with your schooling (ie, going out to dinner with friends, watching a movie, etc).

3) Life Stuff: If you are in medical school and living away from your family, you need to take care of yourself as well. That means grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, chores, maybe even paying bills. Create a system if you have a roommate early on, or a system for yourself. Try to stick to the system. Regarding cooking, figure out what works for you (cooking a little bit each day, setting aside time each week to make batch foods for the whole week, etc) and stick to your budget!

It can get overwhelming, but the first and more important thing is to have a plan. Planning out your month and each week realistically, without overestimating your abilities, can help keep you from getting burdening with too much. Medical school is a very big commitment, but it is very, very doable, and you can still be successful!
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Marcelius Levites’s Answer

Hello Paige, your question is fantastic! The first step to success is to jot down your aspirations. As you achieve each one, celebrate by crossing it off your list. Pursuing Medical School is no small feat, but your determination can make it possible. It might mean missing out on some Frat parties or burning the midnight oil to finish your homework, but remember, it's all for your dream. If becoming a doctor is your passion, your focus and drive to succeed will be your guiding force. Success in life demands hard work and prioritizing your goals, with your health always taking the top spot.
I trust this advice will serve you well.
P.S. Remember, the only obstacle between you and your success is you. So, believe in yourself and keep going!

Marcelius Levites recommends the following next steps:

Write your goals down
Get a Calendar to organize your schedule
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Aleksa’s Answer

Hey there Paige!

I work with all different sorts of medical providers (Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, CRNA’s, etc) and the one thing every provider has told me is; I have a passion for helping people.

If this sounds like you, you are half way there!

Even though Medical School can take a while, it’s a marathon not a race. What I mean by this is; you can take as much time as you need to get to where you want to. A lot of the providers I work with become RN’s and then after 13 years they decide to go back to school to become a Physician.

To stay focused, limit the amount of distractions that may arise, keep studying, and learn as much as you can about medicine.

There are loads of different fields you can go into so I would suggest figuring out what part of medicine most intrigues you.

Ex: Do you like working with kids, adults, all ages? Do you want to work in a fast paced environment or a slower one? Do you want to do things hands on or would you rather focus on diagnosing patients?

I hope this helps!
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Enise’s Answer

Hello Paige,

I can assure you that you can still do great things in your whole life. My advice would be;

You can have a list of wishes and/or targets you wish you can achieve, and/or you can let the time flows, sometimes you may not know how your dreams come true suddenly.

Discover your talent or passion once you have experienced on volunteering, internship, and/or part-time, and/or full-time job, or even the project(s) at the school or in the club.

You can have a basic routine.
You can create a project with your friends at school, or you can join any activity you like (exp: You can create a profile on, and let families, friends, neighbours, or even the whole region donate your campaign. Exp: you can sell whatever you want, so, you can collect all the money and pay the bills).

I hope this helps.