2 answers
What types of jobs would I be able to get as a Aerospace Engineering degree besides being able to build aerodynamic vehicles?
I am wondering this to know if I can expand if I end up not wanting to be a rocket scientist.
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2 answers
Robert’s Answer
Many aerospace engineers have gone on to work in the Formula 1 world and other high-speed fluid dynamics applications (i.e. other areas of car racing) that other engineering disciplines are less educated on. Additionally, AE's tend to be more educated on high-temp thermodynamics applications which can be utilized in military research jobs and naval applications. Another area that comes to mind is the designing of aviation simulations which is a global need given international flight training needs for emerging aviation markets outside the US.
Peter’s Answer
An aerospace engineering major, depending on the specific program, may potentially be a preparation for systems integration work encompassing control systems, mechanical and kinematic systems, propulsion / energy / thermodynamics, and software. It need not be viewed as a narrow, industry-specific on-ramp, but can readily be framed as preparation for the multidisciplinary discussions that need to take place in any domain from oil & gas production to automobile design to next-generation building design and construction.