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how to know what career to follow?

Career tips?

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Maria’s Answer

Hello Zoey!

As you embark on the exciting journey of selecting a career, here are a few pointers to guide you:

1. Pursue your passions - seek out fields that spark joy and curiosity within you.
2. Be inspired by others - identify individuals whose work resonates with you, and explore their path to success.
3. Discover your talents - recognize your unique abilities and strive to enhance these skills.
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Dimitris’s Answer

I like all answers to this question. Something to add: sometimes, a bit of luck can steer you in a direction you didn’t plan for. And that’s totally okay. When you find yourself in a new situation, put your best effort into it. As you get better at it, you might start to really enjoy it. It’s like stumbling upon a new hobby – at first, it’s unfamiliar, but then it grows on you. Work hard, become recognized for the quality of your work and, eventually, find passion for this space.

Your career path might have a few surprises, but these can lead to great places. Just stay open to possibilities and give your best wherever you land. You might just find yourself passionate about something you never expected!
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Lindsay’s Answer

Remember, your life's journey, much like a stroll in a park, is subject to change. It's perfectly fine to begin on one career path and decide to switch lanes later.

Start by asking yourself about what truly sparks your enthusiasm, what keeps you engaged? Begin exploring career options that align with your interests. If you have a knack for numbers, look into careers that involve mathematics. If sports captivate you, investigate careers that revolve around sports. As you delve deeper into your research, you might stumble upon something that truly resonates with you. When that happens, dig deeper. Try to find a professional in that field whom you can shadow or interview to get a feel for their daily routine. Don't hesitate to pursue something you're passionate about. Even if it doesn't pan out, there's always another path to explore. Best of luck!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hey there, Zoey!

Choosing the perfect career path might seem like a daunting task, but it's a crucial decision that shapes our lives. Here's a simple guide to help you navigate this journey and find the career that fits you best.

Getting to Know Yourself: The first step to choosing the right career is understanding yourself. This means assessing your interests, values, skills, and personality. Knowing what activities you enjoy and what gives you a sense of satisfaction can shed light on the careers that might suit you. You can use online tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Holland Code to help you in this self-discovery process.

Exploring Careers: Once you've got a clear picture of your attributes, it's time to dive into the world of careers. This means looking into different industries, job roles, and the qualifications they require. Chatting with professionals in your areas of interest can give you a real-world view of what those careers entail.

Education and Training: After you've narrowed down your career options, it's time to look at the education and training they require. Some careers might need specific degrees or certifications, while others might value work experience more. Knowing these requirements will help you plan your education and career development.

Getting Advice: Don't hesitate to seek advice from career counselors, mentors, or professionals in the field you're interested in. They can give you insights into industry trends, potential challenges, and opportunities for growth in specific careers.

Gaining Experience: Getting some hands-on experience through internships, volunteering, or part-time jobs in relevant fields can give you a deeper understanding of potential career paths. This experience can help you confirm if you're really interested in a field or if there are other areas you're passionate about.

Staying Flexible: Remember, career paths can change over time. Being open to new opportunities and ready to adapt to changes in your industry can play a big role in your long-term career happiness.

For more information, you might want to check out these resources:

- Harvard Business Review
- The Balance Careers
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Take care and best of luck on your career journey!
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Afrad’s Answer

Hi Zoey!

It's great that you're thinking about this early. I recommend trying to experience as many of the things you're even remotely interested in. This will provide you a better understanding of how they are in the real world, vs what you hear or may read about. Take opportunities to do internships, site visits, volunteer, or anything that would allow you to witness employees in the field. Youtube has a lot of videos on almost any field or job, that can shed light as well. Keep in mind this is not a guaranteed formula to give you that "epiphany" that you seek, but would greatly increase the probability.

At times, simply traveling this path of discovery is what's needed to highlight opportunities for us.

On the other hand, spend time thinking about what is important to you. What about a job or career do you value most? Money, impact (making a difference), low demand, being famous, etc. Once you know what's most important to you, that will help you further narrow down the best career for you.

Hope this helps, best of luck!
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Aisha’s Answer

Hello Zoey,

Here's a more engaging and actionable guide to jump-start your professional journey:

1. Discover your passions and talents. These are significant indicators of what could potentially be a fulfilling career for you.
2. Visualize your ideal job. This could encompass various factors, from the work atmosphere to the degree of responsibility you're comfortable with.
3. Assess your existing qualifications. This involves your educational background, skills, and any relevant experience you may have.
4. Explore diverse industries and job roles. This will broaden your perspective about the available options.
5. Contemplate acquiring experience through volunteer work or internships. These avenues can equip you with practical knowledge and networking opportunities.
6. Find a mentor. This individual can provide guidance, impart their wisdom, and steer you along your career trajectory.
7. Aim to acquire the requisite qualifications. This may entail pursuing further education or training.
8. Initiate your job applications. This is the ultimate step towards kick-starting your career.

Best of Luck!
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Richard’s Answer

Hello Zoey,

Embarking on your career journey can be a thrilling yet daunting experience. Here are some empowering steps to help you chart your course:

1. **Self-Discovery:**
- Begin by recognizing your passions, strengths, and principles. What hobbies or subjects captivate you? What are your innate abilities?

2. **Career Exploration:**
- Investigate various professions that resonate with your passions. Look into the job duties, work atmosphere, and advancement prospects in diverse sectors.

3. **Gain Experience:**
- Participate in internships, part-time roles, or volunteer activities related to your potential career interests. These firsthand experiences can offer invaluable insights.

4. **Network with Professionals:**
- Connect with experts in various fields for informative discussions. Inquire about their journeys, obstacles, and what a typical day entails.

5. **Education and Training:**
- Evaluate the educational routes needed for different careers. Some roles might necessitate a bachelor's degree, while others may demand vocational training or certifications.

6. **Lifestyle and Values Assessment:**
- Contemplate the lifestyle you aspire to. Do you favor a flexible timetable or a set routine? What principles matter to you in a workplace?

7. **Seek Advice:**
- Consult with career advisors, mentors, or trusted individuals who can provide guidance based on your passions and abilities.

8. **Flexibility and Progress:**
- Remember that career paths can transform. Your first job doesn't have to dictate your entire career. Stay receptive to new possibilities and progression.

9. **Reflect and Choose:**
- After collecting data and experiences, allocate time for reflection. Determine which career best aligns with your passions, strengths, and principles.

10. **Take the Leap:**
- Once you've chosen a career path, take the necessary actions to chase it. This might involve additional education, honing skills, or applying for entry-level roles.

Bear in mind, selecting a career path is a journey, and it's perfectly fine to take your time to explore and make a decision. It's crucial to choose a career that gives you fulfillment and is in sync with your interests and values.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Many students have similar question. The most important is to find the career you have interest.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Think about what you have interest, e.g. your hobbies, favourite subjects, etc. and identify the related careers
E.g. If you like maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc
If you have interest in music, would you like to be a musician, singer, musical artist, music producer, music composer, etc.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counsellor, you parents, etc.
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in the college
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
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Christopher’s Answer

Dear Zoey,

My journey to becoming an architect began with a spark of passion. It was the realization that I could combine my artistic inclinations with practical skills to create spaces that positively impact people's lives. This passion ignited my determination to pursue a career in architecture.

My path has been filled with learning opportunities, both formal and informal. I've embraced challenging projects, sought guidance from experienced mentors, and drawn inspiration from the works of legendary architects. Each step has shaped my understanding of the field and reaffirmed my commitment to it.

The journey of discovering your career path may not always follow a straight line. It's okay to explore different interests, take unexpected detours, and face challenges along the way. Each experience is a valuable stepping stone, molding you into the professional you are meant to become.

Remember that your unique blend of talents, skills, and experiences is your greatest asset. Embrace your individuality and allow it to guide you towards a fulfilling and impactful future.

So, keep exploring, keep creating, and let your journey unfold with the same sense of wonder and excitement that brought you to this moment. I believe in you and your ability to make a meaningful contribution to the world.