Graphic Design - job outlook for the next 10 years
I am planning on majoring in graphic design and was curious what the job outlook would be in the future. Not that it will change my education plans...just curious #graphic-design #art
3 answers

Glenn Geisendorfer
Glenn’s Answer
Graphic design, now, looks waaay different than it did ten years ago; UI? UX?? The tools have grown, the applications have shifted, but the need for smart, empathic experience makers is still here. Who knows what marvel is coming in ten years, but I'm betting on working with it. Best of luck in your career!
Cuong’s Answer
If there is one thing that you need as a Designer in any field, it's your creativity. That is one aspect that will never change.
If you noticed in today media, motion graphics and web-related experience such as HTML and CSS creating websites are huge pluses to your skills.
Being creative and informative are needed, just as being able to connect to people.
10 years from now could be somewhat of the same or it can change significantly in less than 10 years. My only advice, always learn, never stop learning.
Roger’s Answer
Enormously positive outlook given our hyper-dependence on User Interface, User Experience and e-commerce sites as the future that will define business as we know it. Hone your skills and sharpen your talents.