How can I get my future students to feel confident in front of the classroom?
As an Education Major, I've notice throughout my many field experiences I've notice many students are shy in the classroom because they've either developed a fear of embarrassment, failure or being bullied by peers. It's also know that this time in their life is common to feel these emotions because of the idea of being accepted by. As an future educator, I want my students to feel confident when presenting and or asking a question in the classroom, even if their information maybe wrong. But, how? #educational-leadership #love-for-job #confidence
5 answers

Milly Carrillo
Milly’s Answer
Mary’s Answer
The kids will most likely see you as a good speaker. Being vulnerable with them about your fears and how you have messed up in the past will help them feel better. You can even set an expectation that you expect that they will mess up. Your goal is for everyone to do their best. Preparation and practice before always make a better presentation. If you can give time in class for students to practice in a small group, with a partner, or even on their own.
Simon’s Answer
My son is an Middle School teacher and has held seminars throughout the county on classroom management and is writing a book on the subject right now. From talking to him, reading his book and also being one who did not like being infront of large groups myself, I’d suggest... Start having students stand to answer questions. Start easy.... ask questions that are easy to answer and pick the shy one to answer. Be supportive. Move to short responses in front of the class. Build up from there into small speeches or presentations. Always be supportive and encouraging. I used this technique with engineers who needed more confidence when presenting their projects to plants and management. Good luck.