What are the best websites to apply for scholarships?
I have not been able to find scholarships in my highschool guidance office and I am not sure where else to look or which scholarships are actually valid. I’d really appreciate any help because I am going into the Nursing major at Edinboro and I need all the scholarships I can get because my parents aren’t doing so great financially and I don’t want them to stress out even more. #college #scholarships #helping-people
2 answers

Jasan Kaur
Jasan’s Answer
Following are the websites where you can apply:
- https://www.fastweb.com/
- https://www.careeronestop.org/Toolkit/Training/find-scholarships.aspx
- https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/types
- https://www.scholarships.com/

Charles Anderson
Charles’s Answer
Some other sites that are used for students to search for and apply for scholarships are:
2. Scholarships
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