Is networking a big part of widening your law career?
Networking as in gaining clients, at galas, conferences, etc #law #law-practice #networking
4 answers
Ukpeme’s Answer
This is a good question, Nadia.
In some jurisdictions, Lawyers are precluded from advertising their services, for instance , in Nigeria. The practical ways to gain clients include, but not limited to : informing your family, friends and people you interact with about your profession. They could refer clients to you.
It is important to join and actively participate in professional associations . Invest in attending conferences and writing articles.
Importantly, ensure that you do your work with integrity and efficiently. Your satisfied clients will likely refer potential clients to you.
Best wishes to you.
bushra’s Answer
Yes, in this age of connectivity and internet , networking is very important . The more connected u r the more clientage u r going to get, the more people will know u the more they will trust u. So get connected n grow up professionally.