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How can I breakdown the spirit of fearing science subjects ?

Hello am uvocorp,a grade 12. I always fear science subjects how can I cope up with this?

Thank you comment icon Absolutely! Learning about sciences should always be an enjoyable journey, not something to be afraid of. However, it's important to remember that there are numerous fields that don't necessarily require you to dive deep into traditional science. A prime example of this is computer science. bill Bill Latter

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Techla !

Some advice came to my mind for you in hopes that you can find an easy way to approach science without feeling uncomfortable about it. We all have subjects like that which seem incomprehensible or difficult to grasp, so you're not alone. Since you have about only four and a half months of high school left, you have most likely done fine in your sciences thus far, so consider that an accomplishment.

When thinking about college, you will have to take science in the way of general education requirements - courses all students must take in order to receive their degree. I had to take two sciences but the college I went to had a very wide selection of interesting science courses to choose from to fulfill that requirement. That's what you can do going forward and looking towards college, if that's what you're concerned about. Read college websites and see which courses are offered. To be honest with you, I loved the two courses I took - Nutrition was one and the other was Plant Biology which was so different and novel to me and had a superb professor. You learned science but it wasn't heavy duty chemistry or biology or similar subjects. So consider taking a subject in science that you are interested in, such as Geology, Earth Science, Astronomy, Exercise Science, Nutrition, etc.. But it'll have to be a subject you are interested in. Science is a huge world and encompasses many types of science. Pinpoint the subjects that give you stress and take other ones to explore outside of your fears.

Now, you mentioned that you are "uvocorp" but that can mean many things and it's not clear as to how you will be applying science subjects to your future work. I encourage you to ask more questions with details about what you need science for.

Another way to alleviate worry about science is to do some online reading on your own, at your own pace. You can even obtain some science textbooks and become familiar with the various subjects. Go to some fun science museums, too and see how science can be fun. Your city has major science museums that I am sure you will find exciting. I have left a list of them for you below. It's amazing how we always learn something during a visit to a museum.

I sure hope that this has been a help and that you will continue to ask more questions. I wish you all the best !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

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Jenifer’s Answer

Hi Techla,

I understand your fear because I also feared science, especially science involving math. I took chemistry three times in college, the same class, three times. I believe that anxiety got the best of me because I feared failing, so I did. It was not until the third time taking that same chemistry class that I passed, with a C. I was so proud of myself!

I would say, if you can, take just one science class at a time; and if possible, make that class your only class. Focus on one chapter at a time, see your teacher for tutoring, and dedicate a quiet space to yourself for studying.

Once I passed chemistry, I felt that I had no more obstacles to my dream career. Little did I know, I had to get through microbiology and statistics! Yet, I knew that if I get through chemistry, I could get through any class. I passed both microbiology and statistics with an A.

If I can do it, you can do it! Find study support and take it one page at a time. 😊
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James Constantine’s Answer

Understanding the Fear of Science Subjects

Fear of science subjects is a common issue that many students face, but there are several strategies you can employ to cope with this fear and improve your performance in these subjects. Here are some steps you can take to breakdown the spirit of fearing science subjects:

1. Identify the Root of Your Fear: The first step in overcoming your fear of science subjects is to identify the specific reasons behind it. It could be due to a lack of understanding, past negative experiences, or pressure to perform well. By pinpointing the root cause of your fear, you can address it more effectively.

2. Change Your Mindset: It’s essential to shift your mindset towards science subjects. Instead of viewing them as daunting or difficult, try to see them as opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace the challenges they present and focus on the knowledge and skills you can gain from studying them.

3. Seek Help and Support: Don’t hesitate to seek help from teachers, tutors, or classmates if you’re struggling with science subjects. Asking questions, seeking clarification, and engaging in group study sessions can help you gain a better understanding of the material and boost your confidence.

4. Practice Regularly: Like any other skill, mastering science subjects requires consistent practice. Set aside dedicated time each day to review class materials, work on problem sets, and engage in hands-on experiments if possible. Regular practice will help reinforce your understanding and reduce feelings of anxiety.

5. Break Down Complex Concepts: Science subjects can often involve complex concepts that may seem overwhelming at first glance. Break down these concepts into smaller, more manageable parts, and tackle them one step at a time. Use visual aids, diagrams, or analogies to simplify difficult ideas.

6. Stay Positive and Persistent: Overcoming a fear of science subjects takes time and effort, so it’s important to stay positive and persistent throughout the process. Celebrate small victories, acknowledge your progress, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you encounter setbacks along the way.

By following these steps and adopting a proactive approach towards science subjects, you can gradually breakdown the spirit of fearing them and develop a greater appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) - NSTA provides valuable resources and guidance for educators and students in the field of science education.
Harvard University’s Department of Physics - Harvard’s Department of Physics offers insights into effective strategies for learning and teaching science subjects.
American Psychological Association (APA) - APA’s research on overcoming fear and anxiety can be applied to coping with fear of science subjects effectively.
