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What are the challenges faced in medical school ?

What are the challenges faced in medical school, what are the grade needed to have great flow in the medical school, what are the great achievement one can make in the medical school

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4 answers

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Rita’s Answer

There are several challenges of medical school. It's 4 hours of lots of studying and long hours. The first two years are in the classroom and the last two years are rotations. You are "competing" with the best and brightest. When I was in high school and college, I wanted A's. Not even B's. I wanted A's. When I got to medical school, I wanted to pass.

I think it depends on what field you want to get into. For primary care, it's not as competitive so you just need to pass. If you want to do Dermatology or Surgery, you need to do well. This is a different level of competition. I don't play sports but think of the professional sports teams. It's the same thing, The competition is different from high school, college, and professional.
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Rudra’s Answer

Medical school is vigorous and tests are never ending as you are freshly learning. You may feel like giving up at times and be sleep deprived because of studying but it’s important to ace these tests because there could be serious consequences if you don’t pass.
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Scott’s Answer

Good morning Wilson. To be honest, medical school is a grind! But by the time you have made it into medical school, you will know that you have the ability to make it through as it has already been a tough path to get accepted. That it is a grind is not to say there is no fun, there is plenty but the rigorous studies clearly come first. At times it can be intense but it is fascinating and an experience you are going through with other people who will become lifelong friends. I do not know where you are in terms of school but if medicine is really something that calls to you, don't let the fear of a lot of hard work dissuade you. Good luck!
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Jared’s Answer

Hi Wilson, great question.

Challenges in medical school can certainly include time management, burnout, stress and feelings of imposter syndrome, to name a few. I would say the best way to prepare for any of these is to have this understanding going into medical school that these thoughts are normal and happen to everyone. Even if they don’t let on that they are experiencing them, they often still are feeling some of these feelings at any given point with the shear coursework that students have to deal with, on top of extracurricular activities, research, and personal self-care as well.

I would say that great achievements could include exactly what you make of it: building connections with other students that will last a lifetime, as well as networking and learning about various different conditions. Ultimately for me, the best achievement is being able to help someone out in their most vulnerable point in their life and help them live a fulfilled life.