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Rita Chuang’s Avatar

Rita Chuang

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Henderson, Nevada
162 Answers
129084 Reads
221 Karma


Civic Duty

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Mia’s Avatar
Mia Sep 15 342 views

what can i do to make money

what do i do

Athena’s Avatar
Athena Apr 29, 2018 2616 views

What is the greatest piece of advice you’ve ever received?

It’s easy to find generic advice online, but some of the best advice is not really projected. I want to know what piece of advice helped you most in A.) College, and B.) Life in general.

#college-advice #life #advice

freya’s Avatar
freya Aug 05, 2023 1043 views

What is out-of-state college life like?

I start college soon but I am not sure if I want to go out of state

Alfred’s Avatar
Alfred Sep 10 517 views

what do you require to be successful in life?

about to join college

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Sep 11 466 views

I'm very indecisive on what I want to be. I know that I want to work with Pediatrics! I want to either be a Pediatrician or a Pediatric Physician Assistant! How could I choose? Am I choosing the wrong choices? How could I choose the best one for me?

I'm in 12th grade!

Sammy’s Avatar
Sammy Sep 11 474 views

What are some great programs and research for current juniors interested in the medical field especially dermatology ?

I always struggle finding good programs because many ask for a tuition or application fee. I wonder if their are any programs or research I could do with private institutions such as Stanford that are connected to the medical field.

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Sep 09 317 views

Day in the the life?

Looking for advice

What's a day in the life like of a doctor?

king’s Avatar
king Aug 18 250 views

How to work in medicine?

medicine, doctor, college

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jun 20 309 views

What is the most productive way to create good study habits when entering the medical field such as radiology and or physician assistant? Including what type of methods of studying for going into this field require and if there are any methods that you can provide to me that may help a future medical professional when going into college for physician assistant and or radiology?

I have trouble with studying and I want to improve on my studying skills to also go towards college when I go into radiology and or physician assistant to then retain more information.

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 19 236 views

when should you take mcat prep courses?

I am A sophmore in Highschool when should I do MCAT prep. Should I start it in high school or should i wait till college. I need help with it asap becuse i dont know

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 20 283 views

What internships can i do as a sophmore in highschool if i want to become a surgeon?

I am located in New Bedford Ma I really would like to have more exsposer to the medical setting and i would love to grow my network with doctors and become more knolegeable.

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 20 787 views

What should i major in if i want to become a surgeon?

I want to know what i should major in when i go to college I am a sophmore in highschool and i want to know what Ap classes i should take in highschool becuse i am taking AP lang this year

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Aug 21 524 views

What should I do? Medicine or art/literature?

I'm currently a 12th grader and have always been inclined towards art. I love to write (have been published), read novels, draw and paint, photography and a number of other things. I also love biology. It has always fascinated me and I therefore decided to become a doctor. The decision,...

Ifra’s Avatar
Ifra Aug 21 986 views

Which major is best for someone who wants to become a future dermatologist and why exactly?

Currently a high school rising senior, 16 year old, applying to college soon!

jayden’s Avatar
jayden Aug 22 747 views

how could I get into a medical work field for cheap

how could I get into a medical work field?