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What things should i know before job shadowing on a farm to get experience as a high-schooler?

I am going job shadowing and don't know what to expect.It is a livestock farm and i am nervous is there something i need to know or that??

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Nancy’s Answer

It's really exciting that you're getting the chance to job shadow on a farm! I've spent a good chunk of my life on a farm, both growing up and now with my husband, so I can share a few insights about the farm life, at least from a US perspective. I'm sure it'll be quite similar where you are.

- Keep your eyes wide open -- there's going to be a whole lot of new experiences around you.
- Pay attention to the little things about how your job shadowing guide carries out their tasks -- a lot of farm work is repetitive, so they'll have their own unique and efficient method of doing things.
- Stick with your guide unless they give you the green light to explore -- if you're not used to farm environments, some areas might have specific safety requirements.
- Show some confidence -- if there are animals around, they can pick up on your emotions and mood.
- Stay alert to any machinery movement and always maintain a safe distance.
- Most importantly, have a blast on your farm day!
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Brendan’s Answer

Hi Amber - I am currently in an intern position at Citi bank so I am also in a position where I am shadowing people. The best advice that I can give is to ask questions and be a sponge. With many jobs that you will take on in the future you won't know anything and that is totally okay as the people that you are shadowing know this and don't expect you to know anything in the first place. Be attentive, come prepared with questions, as well as ask questions you may have while shadowing and take notes. Try to get a real understanding as to why you are doing certain tasks rather than just learning how to do it as this will help you fully grasp what you are doing and better prepare you as well. Be open to learn and make the most of your experience!