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Nancy Uthke’s Avatar

Nancy Uthke

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Rochester, Minnesota
13 Answers
5335 Reads
41 Karma

Active Locations

angel’s Avatar
angel Dec 06, 2024 913 views

Are There Free College Classes That Can Be Transferred to a 4-Year University?

Hi everyone, I know this might sound like a silly question, but are there any free (or really cheap) online college classes that could potentially be transferred to a 4-year university? I know it might sound too good to be true, but I’m really curious. I’m considering taking some Wintermester...

Yahelie’s Avatar
Yahelie Nov 16, 2024 670 views

What is the best advice you have ever received from someone you truly admire?

There are so many things we are told as young adults we have to follow, sometimes it sticks with us, but sometimes, it doesn't. What have you learned that's allowed you to keep going and find what you love doing?

Corey’s Avatar
Corey Nov 21, 2024 589 views

[Game Development/Web Development] How much time do you spend working on passion projects if any compared to your actual work?

Such as your own websites, or games.

Corey’s Avatar
Corey Nov 21, 2024 485 views

[Computer Programming/Game Development/Web Development] How often do you multi-task while working?

What I mean by when I say this is, whenever you're programming or coding rather, how often will you take a break to relax yourself by reading or watching something.

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Nov 04, 2024 443 views

What if I don't want to go to college?

I am a high school senior thinking and not sure about my future.

Jazel’s Avatar
Jazel Oct 23, 2024 321 views

what other strengths or experiences might i need for the combat medic?

i'm a sophomore in high school and my strengths are, active listening, communication, and honesty

Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Oct 21, 2024 258 views

How can I gain experience in the medical field outside high school as a high school student?

I'm a junior in Galileo High School. After dedicating my time at school learning and studying the materials. Besides studying, how can I get some hands on work outside of school?

Grant’s Avatar
Grant Oct 11, 2024 217 views

What are different types of college funds and scholarships you can qualify for/ how to stand out for them.?

I am 16 year old boy going to a small charter school in suburban MN. I want to learn more about setting up a positive career in basketball coaching and getting into plus completing college.

Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Oct 10, 2024 429 views

Can you share any challenges you faced during your college years, and how you overcame them, Additionally, do you have any advice for balancing workload with personal life and internships??

Looking for a concise response, but anything helps. Thank you.

Diya’s Avatar
Diya Aug 15, 2024 724 views

Where is a good place to find scholarships ?

I am a rising senior in New York City and starting to fill out college applications. I'm interested in joining the medical field and am currently thinking of becoming either a surgeon or biological researcher. Where is a good place to find scholarships?

Amber’s Avatar
Amber Jun 17, 2024 541 views

What things should i know before job shadowing on a farm to get experience as a high-schooler?

I am going job shadowing and don't know what to expect.It is a livestock farm and i am nervous is there something i need to know or that??

jakkary’s Avatar
jakkary Jul 24, 2024 818 views

What organizational challenges have you faced?

high school graduate

Ntando’s Avatar
Ntando Jul 14, 2024 1509 views

Quality do you need

Quality do you need to become software developer