Career questions tagged collegebound

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Isaiah368 views

How do I appeal to colleges?

How do I appeal to colleges?

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Kelsey491 views

What experiences did you gain from taking the bar test that helped you or could help you become a better lawyer?

#lawyer #law-school #collegebound #lawdegree #bartest

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Kylie543 views

When is the best time to take your TEAS for nursing school?

The Test of Essential Academic Skills is a standardized, multiple choice exam for students applying for nursing school in the USA. #Nursing #Medicine #CollegeBound

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jose850 views

Can my state (Georgia) academic scholarship be used for other colleges out of georgia?

Many have told me that scholarships given by the state can only be used in colleges in the state. I had questions if this was true because some colleges near georgia might be able to take my scholarship. #collegebound #scholarships

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jose799 views

Is it true that college is mostly study based?

People always comment about how high school and college are very different compared to each other. I was wondering how is it different than high school? #collegebound #first-generation-college-students

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Zachary764 views

How are you mentally preparing to leave home for College?

For most of us, we know where we are headed coming fall of 2018. I am moving 5 hours away from home. I would like to know, how do you feel about leaving home and what are you doing to prepare for that move? #movingonup #collegebound #dormlife

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Sarah753 views

How can I be taken more seriously as a striving women engineer?

I have been studying to become a geological engineer and recently was accepted to a very prestigious engineering university. The only problem is many classmates and teachers have told me that because I am a girl I will struggle to find work in my field and should look into something else. What can I do now to make myself a more hirable candidate in the future? #womenengineer #girlengineer #provethemwrong #engineer #geologicalengineer #collegebound

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Sarah1022 views

How did you know your major was right for you?

I recently chose my major for college but I've been having some second thoughts. I don't have any close family members who went to college and it would be really great to hear from someone who has experience how exactly you knew you'd made the right decision when choosing your major. #major #confused #help #collegebound

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Kate607 views

Does needing financial aid affect your chances of being accepted by a college?

I already know that I will not be able to pay tuition all on my own and I was wondering if a college would not accept me over a student that doesn't need financial aid. #collegebound #college-admissions

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Ivanna-Paula689 views

How do I know which General Ed Classes to take?

I am applying for a psychology major and I want to finish my general ed as quickly as possible #collegebound #psychology #college

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