Best ways to study abroad?
I am interested in as many study abroad opportunities as I can get involved in, as I am seeking a degree in English education and wish to be an English as a foreign language teacher abroad, and would like to gain more learning experience living abroad. However, it is very expensive to do so and I would like to ask for help locating financial resources? #study-abroad #english-as-a-second-language #language-teaching #education
2 answers

Rachel Resnick
Rachel’s Answer
Ussually you can use your regular grants, scholarships, and loans from tuition to pay for your study aborad. I know that you pay regular tuition and that takes off a huge chunk of the travel costs. I myself didn't have a chance to study abroad but I know people who did. It shouldn't be extremely expensive depending on what your university offers. It will be more than regular tuition but I do know that your regualr tuition cost takes off money from the actual cost of travel. Your school should have some kind of program set up like that.