Career questions tagged career-and-technical-school

Is changing my schedule worth it for technical school ?
My school offers a program where juniors and seniors can apply to leave for their first two blocks to go to technical school. They earn four elective credits per year for this and can even earn college credit. They still have to earn enough credits to graduate, so sacrifices have to be made. In my case I would like to apply for their engineering and robotics program. Since I’ll only have two classes a day, I won’t be able to take a lot of the classes I want to. These are AP Calc C (I can take BC the previous year instead of AB), two additional years of French (including French 4 and AP), two years of band (I’ve been doing band since fourth grade; I play seven instruments), AP Comp Sci A, AP Chem (I’ve loved chemistry since third grade), and AP Psych. Will this look bad for college? Is it worth it?

If I take dual credit classes in high school, am I getting my basics done ahead of time?
I have always been told that if I take dual credit classes I’ll have enough hours to be a junior by my second semester. I was wondering if this was true or not. #ctc #career-and-technical-school #gen-eds #college #dual-credit #dual-enrollment #course-selection #academic-advising