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Matt Deatrick’s Avatar

Matt Deatrick

Product Development and Strategy
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Jefferson, NJ
4 Answers
3720 Reads
52 Karma

Active Locations

russell’s Avatar
russell Sep 09, 2021 474 views

how long do people stay in the heavy equipment career field

#construction #career-choice

John’s Avatar
John Aug 30, 2021 643 views

How long should I stay in a startup that is a career path I don't intend to pursue?

I recently graduated from college and got a job in a startup. As part of my compensation I got equity that vests over 5 years. Our company has done well and seems to have cornered the market and will continue to do so for the next 5+ years. As a result, many private investors have given...

Naila’s Avatar
Naila Aug 19, 2020 930 views

What is the hardest decision on deciding on a career?

I love to keep myself occupied and learning. #career

Kefuwe’s Avatar
Kefuwe Aug 20, 2020 1831 views

importance of process of elimination in a computer?

Intrested in knowing more about IT #ITsupport