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G Anita Heeren’s Avatar

G Anita Heeren

Research, Lecturer
Lansdowne, Pennsylvania
2 Answers
2350 Reads
1 Karma

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Merenda’s Avatar
Merenda Jan 20, 2018 1606 views

With Being a First Generation College Student, Who Can You Talk to for More Information?

My family has never went to or completed college. This means that it is impossible to get help from them. What can I do to get help? #first-generation #help #college

Cecila’s Avatar
Cecila Jan 17, 2018 1565 views

What are the best ways to get organized for college?

I have always struggled with being #organized with my classes and homework. Everything gets done on time but its kind of a hot mess of a system. I keep a #planner but its always overflowing with notes and reminders. I honestly think I need a better system seeing as I usually forget about the...