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Shannon Conroy’s Avatar

Shannon Conroy

Fiber Customer Support Analyst
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
4 Answers
2456 Reads
1 Karma

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Mira’s Avatar
Mira Mar 18, 2021 720 views

What degree did you work for to become a detective?

I'm in middle school and taking a career class. I'm interested in learning more about how to become a detective, so I would like to know what degree is common among detectives. #career #detective

Jonathon’s Avatar
Jonathon Mar 18, 2021 445 views

How did you get in to education.

I am in middle school.

Shadiah’s Avatar
Shadiah May 23, 2016 1149 views

How difficult is it to find a job in ultrasound?

I know where I'm going to college and I know I will have some of the best resources for learning ultrasound, but I'm worried about finding a job after, mainly because I stress about interviews. #college #job #interviews #help #ultrasound

Sinenhlanhla’s Avatar
Sinenhlanhla Mar 09, 2021 678 views

training jobs

i am looking forward for my career ,i am willing tol earn new skills #career-development