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Gainesville, Florida
4 Questions
156 Karma

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Nesha May 27, 2016 2814 views

What are some classes i can take at a community college to help me prepare myself for a four year college and major in Pediatrics?

I am a junior in high school and I am looking to find out information regarding pediatrics and what classes to take. I will most likely be going to a community college first and then transfer to an university.

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Nesha May 27, 2016 812 views

What are the best sites for scholarships?

I'm looking for some sites that offers scholarships. #university

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Nesha May 20, 2016 1197 views

How can I get a financial aid in college?

I'm a junior in high school, and I don't really know how I can get financial help when I'm in college. #financial-aid

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Nesha May 20, 2016 776 views

What are the best colleges for nursing?

I am currently a junior in high school and I have been looking at some colleges. I plan to do nursing but I am not sure which college are good for this major. #nursing