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Cynthia Stutsman’s Avatar

Cynthia Stutsman

1 Answers
871 Reads
1 Karma




I am a Leader in HR with 17 years of experience in learning and talent development. I love to help people explore their passions!

Cynthia’s Career Stories

How did you pick your career? Did you know all along?

My Journey has been a long zig zag path! I started in sales and shortly realized that I loved solving problems and helping others more than selling to customers so i started training others in sales. From there I started leading teams in training and education. Where i grew to leading the entire learning and development function for sales, cs and instructional design. I wanted to expand even further into HR and transitioned into Talent Management with an emphasis in performance

In layperson terms, what do you actually do at work?

I help organizations build programs that support employees to perform, grow and do the best work of their careers!

When you were a student, did you do anything outside of school to build skills or get knowledge that has helped your career?

YES i was super active in my sorority and volunteerism which really helped me to build my skills in networking, presentations, organizations and budgets.

What is the most useful piece of career advice you got as a student, and who gave it to you?

My english professor in college always told me to Speak Up! Even if i thought it was the dumbest response my ability to articulate my response and be heard was the most important thing!

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

Your journey will change over and over! Don't be so focused on the path you want to take but rather say YES! Say yes to experiences that will push you to grow, and be okay with the most uncomfortable situations cause those are the ones that will make you grow