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Hunter’s Avatar


Minnesota, Minnesota
2 Questions
81 Karma

Hunter’s Career Goals

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Hunter’s Avatar
Hunter Mar 27, 2018 635 views

What is the best way to save while in college?

During college I hope to graduate debt free, but what are some ways I will be able to actually save while in college. What is a good job that would help me gain experience for a business management major?
#college-major #money-management #budgets

Hunter’s Avatar
Hunter Mar 27, 2018 752 views

What are good ways to gain connections while in college?

I want to be able to affect many people's lives in my future and I believe that having connections is a huge aspect in that. During college I plan to dedicate a great amount of time to my studies and I am hoping to find out what some simple tricks would be to gain connections. #futuregoals...