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Sgt. Alfredo Lopez’s Avatar

Sgt. Alfredo Lopez

Police Instructor at Philadelphia Police Department
Protective Service Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 Answers
6846 Reads
1 Karma

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Michal’s Avatar
Michal Jun 12, 2019 883 views

How long is training at the police academy?

#law-enforcement #police-officer

Bruce’s Avatar
Bruce Feb 08, 2017 1729 views

How long do you have to go to college to become a police officer?

I am interested in becoming a law enforcement officer and I am interested in whether I would have to go to college as well as how long I woul dbe in college if becoming a LEO is my goal. #police #law-enforcement

Bruce’s Avatar
Bruce Feb 08, 2017 2641 views

What are the qualifications needed to become a police officer?

I am interested in becoming a police officer someday. What are the necessary qualifications in order for me to be able to achieve my dream of becoming a police officer? Thanks! #police #law-enforcement #police-academy

Bruce’s Avatar
Bruce Feb 08, 2017 1581 views

How much money do police officers make per year?

I'm interested in becoming a police officer someday. How much money do police officers make? #police #law-enforcement #police-officer