What are the qualifications needed to become a police officer?
I am interested in becoming a police officer someday. What are the necessary qualifications in order for me to be able to achieve my dream of becoming a police officer? Thanks! #police #law-enforcement #police-academy
3 answers
Mike’s Answer
Normally you must be 21 years of age or will turn 21 during the proces and/or the academy. College classes help as well as grades. Should be a law abiding citizen with No felony arrest/convictions. A good driving record with no DUI's or reckless convictions. Maturity, common sense, and leadership abilities are a plus. Bad credit is frowned on. Also, watch what you post on facebook (drinking, violence, racism, sex) etc are not good. Be a good person, work hard towards your goal, and put your best foot forward. Good luck

Sgt. Alfredo Lopez
Sgt. Alfredo’s Answer
Every police department has different qualifications., some require 60 college credits., some a Bachelor's degree., almost all require at least a High School diploma., and a valid driver's license. You must be able to pass some sort of a phhsical agility test., a clean background investigation., and a good work history.
To be a police officer you should exemplify the best characterisitics and traits needed to protect and serve. It is an honor being a police officer. Good luck., do great in school., volunteer for communty service and stay physically active.
Kim’s Answer
To be selected as an officer, you must have good moral character, and be in good physical condition. You should be intelligent enough to read, learn, and apply the law, and have common sense, good judgment, and the ability to make quick decisions. You should have good writing skills, as you will write many reports. They will also probably ask you about your coping mechanisms for dealing with stress. You need to be able to work together as a team, and take orders without hesitation. You should be willing to work any shift, weekends, holidays.
Good moral character is usually judged by talking to people who know you, finding out your drug/theft record, examining your financial records - you should be current on your bills. They will check your social media sites, so be careful. You should respect the law - so don't go getting traffic tickets!
That's the basics. And a lot require some college hours.