What is the key to being employable?
What do employers look for when interviewing? #employee-training #employee #interviews #interviewing-skills
6 answers
Luis’s Answer

Carole Curtis
Carole’s Answer
This is a million dollar question and I will try to give you some things that you can think about to get yourself more employable. Here are a few suggestions:
Carole recommends the following next steps:
Chirag R.’s Answer
One part is your skill associated to the job ...The other key aspects are
Your Attitude, demeanor, communication skills.
If you come in with a bad attitude, or are unable to clearly articulate your strong points and value you bring to the table, that may be a negative.
If you may not have the best skill set but are willing to learn and confident and hungry..I'd hire that person.
Before every interview, prepare the subject especially the weak areas and then focus on soft skills aspect stated above. If you fail, dont let that discourage you, there will be many chances ahead and point is to get better.
Good Luck !
Tania’s Answer
Showing passion and motivation is important too. When you are motivated shows you can be agile and adapt quickly. Good luck :)
Betsy’s Answer
A few additional tips:
1. Be genuine with your interview responses and avoid canned responses. An interviewer once asked me to describe a time I missed a deadline, but I'm very Type A and haven't missed deadlines. However, I didn't want to say "I've never missed a deadline!" and wanted to show that I'm teachable and learn from mistakes. I responded that although I haven't missed a deadline, I have made a mistake at work and XYZ is how I made it right and learned from it.
2. Tailor your resume to the role and be prepared to talk about how your experience and qualifications meet what they are looking for in a candidate. For example, I previously worked in marketing, but wanted to make a career change to sales -- I tailored my resume to highlight the sales collaboration I did in my current role and how my marketing experience aligned with the qualifications needed for sales.
3. Check out some STAR questions prior to the interview - I googled a bunch and thought out responses to each. Once you have examples in your arsenal, they can be pulled for other questions they may ask (if they don't ask the exact questions you googled).
4. I heard in college someone mention to never start a response in an interview with "honestly" because it can give the impression that other things you said weren't honest (i.e. "honestly, I had experience with XYZ). It's a random tip, but has stuck with me all these years and I still avoid it in interviews!
Robert’s Answer
Hi Veronica, interviews are an opportunity to spell out more about what your goals and aspirations are, and why they align with the role you’re applying for, as well as the values of the new company. Make sure you prepare at least 4-5+ mini-stories (Challenge-Action-Result format) that vividly describe how you have achieved solutions similar to problems this company has faced, or will face. Paint a picture that YOU are THEIR solution, a better fit than the next interviewing candidate. Finally, showcase why your skill set, personality and the special magic you bring will make such a material difference for my company. Demonstrate that you understand the problem this position solves and why you are such a good fit.