How do i become better at managing time?
I currently do part-time at work, while at the same time I go to school full time. I do about 20 hours of working and whatever time I have left is dedicated to school but I feel really stressed out cause its feels like work overload and this doesn't feel great. #college #school #work #time-management #academic-advising
6 answers
Tim’s Answer
Write a daily list of what you want to accomplish and allocate time for each goal. Eventually you'll better realize how long each task should take and what is attainable given your time. One of the most important things I've learned in my career is identifying what not to do. You'll become better at prioritization and at identifying other ways to accomplish the intent of the tasks that don't get accomplished that day. If you don't get around to goal after a significant amount of time... it wasn't important.
Lalita’s Answer
How to Save Time and Manage Things in Everyday Life.
Make a list of things you need to accomplish. Thinks about the purpose of each. Ask yourself what are your short term and long objectives? Set your broad and specific goals. Think about in these terms:
WHO- AUDIENCE: Ask who are these goals for-yourself or someone else?
WHAT - identify three areas from your broad goals to short list and choose three specific goals.
Then set a priority list among those three specific goals you need to accomplish.
They needs to be clears, specific, and measurable (See our check list; What is your purpose?)
WHERE/HOW- List the place-at home or outside, by yourself or in a group at work. What was your purpose?
Measurable: Value the information you have collected, methods, or materials against internal and external standards to solve the problem
EVALUATE: Look at the problem again, Did it solve the problem? If it solved only half, set the partial problem and follow the above steps again.
Lalita recommends the following next steps:
Judy’s Answer
Time manager starts with setting priorities and realizing you have a limited amount of time each day. You also have to make time to relax or you won’t be effective.
Here are are some tips to get you started
7 Time Management Tips for Students
- Eliminate distractions. Get rid of anything that distracts you and allows you to procrastinate from your work. ...
- Be focused at the task at hand. ...
- Use a calendar. ...
- Use a checklist. ...
- Get organised. ...
- Schedule rewards. ...
- Get a good night's sleep!
Judy recommends the following next steps:
Roohi’s Answer
You can manage your time effectively by just planning it before the time
ensure that you schedule your tasks and deadlines, start your tasks early , prioritize your tasks and use technology to help keep you accountable.
Having a plan for your time , recognize your distractions and plan to minimize them
Alexis’s Answer
Judy’s Answer
But most important is no matter how you manage your time, it still can be stressful if you have too many things to do. You could also try to find a way to let you have some time to relax.
Hope you can enjoy what you are doing and keep work & life balance.