How do I get into the focus mindset?
I find myself trying to to stay focus but if I do too much I drain myself mentally and if I don't do it enough I find myself getting too distracted. Are they any tips? #Help #Focus #School #ThisIsTooHard
2 answers

Jasan Kaur
Jasan’s Answer
Hey Charlene!
My condition was same as yours when I was in the High School. So, I can relate what you are going through.
Following are the steps I implemented:
- Create your To-Do list a day before. Normally, before going to bed.
- Allot time to each task.
- Focus on one thing at a time and try to ignore the rest. Focusing on multiple things leads to zero results and as a result, you get tired.
- Give breaks to yourself. Break means, going out in the air rather than to be on the gadgets.
Crucial Points:
- Normally, our brain gets tired when we spent more than required time on something. Thus, it is very essential to categories things and allots time as per the importance. So, that we don't waste time and our brain can relax.
- If you feel distracted, you can drink cold water. It helps to stabilize your thoughts. Else, you can keep cold coffee or ice tea with you. Take a sip every time you get distracted.
- Also, please go out and relax. Breaks are the must. Your mind will be strong enough to deal with anything if you take breaks.
Try this for a week and let me know the results.
All the best!
Kevin’s Answer
1. Read through the prompt & figure out mini-milestones (e.g. 3 mini milestones)
2. Work on mini-milestone 1
3. Once completed, reward yourself (e.g. ice cream from the local ice cream store or watch a movie)
4. Work on mini-milestone 2
4. Once completed, reward yourself
Breaking down tasks into sub-tasks will help you to keep focused and not get distracted or overwhelmed.