Looking for postgrad fellowships or master's programs for an aspiring diversity, equity, and inclusion practitioner
I am a current Junior at Villanova University studying Communication and Peace and Justice Studies. I have a real passion for creating inclusive environments and facilitating conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am now looking at what my next steps should be after college, and I am trying to figure out what good postgrad options are out there in terms of fellowships and master's programs (particularly with graduate assistantships). #diversity #DEI #masters #inclusion #fellowships
7 answers
Nikki’s Answer
First off, I absolutely love your dedication and passion to this arena of DEI! With such a strong vision for the impact you want to make, I'm sure you'll be in a great place to take advantage of these opportunities you seek.
I recommend visiting your University's Office of National Scholarship Advisement. For Villanova, it's called the Center for Research and Fellowships: https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/provost/crf/fellowship_opportunities.html. They recommend you make an appointment online and offer advisement on post-graduate fellowships. I would recommend making an appointment before the end of your junior year, as many post-graduate fellowship applications require a lot of work and you may need to begin working on them this summer.
I also recommend creating a free account on ProFellow, https://www.profellow.com/, where you can search their database of fellowship and graduate school opportunities.
Some of the programs I recommend include:
The Humanity in Action Fellowship: https://www.humanityinaction.org/fellowship/
AmeriCorps https://www.nationalservice.gov/programs/americorps
While these aren't specific DEI fellowships, the Humanity in Action Fellowship allows you to design your own project that will address specific challenges in your community, so you could address DEI policies in an organization or institution within your area. It also comes with a year of professional and personal development opportunities that will only better prepare you to make an impact within your field. I have seen several AmeriCorps positions specifically looking for Diversity and Inclusion Advisors or Consultants that will help to improve these areas within a local nonprofit during a year-long position.
With regards to graduate assistantships, most programs that you apply for will award a select amount of students with Graduate Assistantships or Research Assistantships based on the quality of the application, and the award will be released with your funding decision. In many cases, you can also apply for specific positions once you begin the first year of your graduate program, during the summer before or the first few months of your program. There is not a guarantee you'll be paired with a professor working on a specific DEI project, but you can always include a statement about your specific research or teaching interests in your applications, and professors you'd like to work with, and schools will do their best to match your interests accordingly.
In addition, you can also research schools that specifically have opportunities for diversity, equity, and inclusion fellowships or have options to apply for such a program once admitted into your main course of study. For example:
Georgia Tech: https://diversity.gatech.edu/DIFellowsProgram
Harvard: https://osa.gse.harvard.edu/equity-and-inclusion-fellows-program.
Princeton: https://gradschool.princeton.edu/diversity/student-resources/diversity-fellows-program
I hope this helps! Good luck with your future plans!
Philip’s Answer
This is not an area of expertise for me since my role is as a technology leader but I would recommend you do seek out an expert for advice. One such expert you may want to connect with is Steve L. Robbins, Ph.D. He's a very well known inclusion practitioner and may answer your question directly if you reach out to him with this question. I hope this helps and I wish you all the best in the future.
Best Regards,
Philip recommends the following next steps:
Danielle’s Answer
I do not know if you are mathematically-inclined, enjoy statistics, or computer science. If you do, consider pursing topics that will allow you to learn more about algorithmic bias. This is an emerging area for D&I and will have huge implications in the future.
I do not have specifics on programs, but encourage you to learn more about this space.
Take care,
Caroline’s Answer
David’s Answer
Elizabeth’s Answer
Shirley’s Answer
I would recommend a career path in Human Resources which would also align and be relevant to your interests.
Best of luck