2 answers

Gabriel Figliuzzi
Gabriel’s Answer
Hi Jonovin,
Thanks for the question. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for pharmacists is $121,500 per year. You can find more information about salary, job outlook, educational requirements, and more at this link:
Randy’s Answer
If you are concerned with your career lasting too long, I would suggest getting into a field that allows plenty of change. For example, I do project management. Like you, I like to work on different things and not get stuck on just one thing. Project management allows you to bounce from project to project, which I find really refreshing. Also know that it is VERY common that your career interests will change with time. So today you might want to work in science and then go into business or the arts in 10 years. Just know it's okay to change fields and want to try new things, but it takes work and effort. Good luck!